It's actually a bit of a factor in the fic I'm writing. Most of the time she looks at him like she can't decide if she wants to kiss him or punch him. Personally, I'd be happy with a little of both. Oh man, you have no idea how much I want to read this fic. Every time you say something about it, it sounds more and more awesome.
Plus, no one will ever be able to convince me that they were setting up some long con surprise about her really being Samantha. Seriously, that would have been such a great storyline. CC really had no idea what he was doing at the end there because Monica as Samantha >>>>>> starlight as Samantha.
I was never a fan of Jess and Rory but I did find Jess fairly compelling on his own. He was a bit of a douche most of the time but I love when he comes back at the end of season 4. The relationship he has with Luke is just so lovely. I was not a Jess/Rory fan when I first watched it (because I liked Dean and his floppy hair and his being really tall and he didn't seem so creepily controlling at first), and then when I re-watched I wasn't a fan because I was pretty anti-Rory at that point and had decided I loved Jess post-S4 when he comes back and hugs Luke and thanks him for being there for him.
And Jess and Luke's relationship is SO AMAZING and I love that Jess of all people was one of the few characters on that show who had actual character development and, like, grew up (and didn't revert to acting like a bratty 12-year-old, RORY).
Dean was okay during the first season but as soon as season 2 started, I really really disliked him. Part of that was the creepy controlling factor and part of it was that Jared Padalecki's nostril flare acting really fucking annoys me. And, yes, I became fairly anti-Rory as the series went on. She just became so unlikable and bratty and ugh. Really the only time I could tolerate her was when she was interacting with Lorelai or Paris(I effing looooooooove Paris). I wanted to love her like Lorelai did but I just couldn't. And I hate hate hate Logan and everything her relationship with him stood for. Blech.
It is really amazing that Jess is one of the few characters to grown and develop. When he comes back for the wedding and he and Luke share that manly man hug as he's leaving? I get misty almost every time. Sometimes I think that relationship is more compelling and rich with story-telling possibilities that the Lorelai/Rory one. I think a lot of the tertiary characters were caught in the characiture zone and that saddens me because I really would have liked to see growth from people like Sookie and Michele.
It's weird because when I first started watching the show, I was all about Dean and thought he was just the best. My roommate and I would watch together and talk about how dreamy he was. And then Jess came along with his sassing Lorelai and being a dick to Luke and I wanted to smack him in the face for trying to get with Rory when she was with Dean. But then I realized that Dean was total creeper (and, yeah, Jared Padalecki is...not the best actor. And he also looked super-gross in season 4 and beyond) and Jess started being kind of awesome? It was all very confusing.
But I definitely agree about Paris. She was such a great character, especially when they were still at Chilton. She got a little over the top in later seasons (but so did everyone, I guess), but I still liked how her storyline played out overall. And I really loved the relationship she had with Lorelai--their interactions were always awesome.
And, UGH RORY. I will resist ranting too much about her but I don't understand what the writers were doing with her. And her relationship with Logan is just like the perfect example of that. It's like they took everything about her that made her awesome and relatable in the early seasons and just...ignored it so that she could act like a spoiled brat and date totally douche-y guys and treat Lorelai like shit. LORELAI IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU, RORY. I may have some Rory issues still.
I think the Rory/Dean/Jess situation is actually when my dislike of Rory really began. I adored her in season one and then all this indecisive crap with the boys started and it just took over her life and completely negated all the other wonderful aspects of her personality. I think I would have like Rory a lot more had all the love stuff been removed from her storyline. Let her nerd out about school or try to make peace between Lorelai and her parents or fight with Paris or (*gasp*) actually be a decent friend to Lane - that's the Rory that I like.
Paris at Chilton is the best. I also love her inexplicable friendship with Madeline and Louise during those seasons. The latter seasons weren't kind to many of the characters and while Paris did suffer from this, I still loved her. She and Doyle amuse me to no end. ♥ Her friendship with Rory was so weird yet so genuine. And I totally agree about her interactions with Lorelai. I actually really love any time Lorelai interacts with Rory's friends. I wish her relationship with Lane could have been explored more.
Don't get me wrong, I do so love this show. But, if I'm being 100% honest, 80% of that love is rooted in my unabashed adoration for Lorelai. She had her faults and flaws and her share of stupid mistakes(hello, anything relating to Christopher) but she is amazing. Definitely one of my favorite female characters.
I think the Rory/Dean/Jess situation is actually when my dislike of Rory really began. I adored her in season one and then all this indecisive crap with the boys started and it just took over her life and completely negated all the other wonderful aspects of her personality. LOVE TRIANGLES: RUINING AWESOME FEMALE CHARACTERS SINCE FOREVER.
But yeah, I think a lot of my problem with Rory in the later seasons is that all of the stuff that made her great--her nerdiness, her awesome relationship with her mom, her being a friend to Lane--got dropped in the last 2 or 3 seasons. All of the stuff that people could relate to just went away, and she became this girl who stole yachts and peaced out to Europe when she did something wrong and mooched off her grandparents and her boyfriend and acted like a complete jerk whenever someone dared point out that she had maybe made a mistake. It's probably one of the most frustrating character arcs I've ever seen.
And, yeah, Lorelai is pretty much the main reason to watch. Especially because I feel like with her character, even when she did really REALLY dumb things (UGH, MARRYING CHRISTOPHER), there was always a sense of her realizing that she was making mistakes and trying to figure out how to fix them. She's such a great example of how to do a flawed character well, in a way that makes her really sympathetic. (Although, I'm not sure how much of that was writing and how much was just Lauren Graham being completely awesome.) Either way, my love of Lorelai helped me make it through all the Rory stuff and the Christopher stuff and the Luke-has-a-daughter stuff that made the last few seasons a little painful.
Especially because I feel like with her character, even when she did really REALLY dumb things (UGH, MARRYING CHRISTOPHER), there was always a sense of her realizing that she was making mistakes and trying to figure out how to fix them. Exactly.
(Although, I'm not sure how much of that was writing and how much was just Lauren Graham being completely awesome.) I put it about 75% down to Lauren Graham's brilliant performance, honestly. (Plus, Amy Sherman-Pallidino is a freaking nut so I'm hesitant to give her credit for anything.) I know that I am biased because of my love of Lorelai and my love of Lauren Graham but I honestly cannot imagine this role working in the hands of any other actor. Most characters could be played by anyone but the ones I truly love, the ones I sympathize with and connect to and fangirl over, are the ones that are truly brought to life by the actress in the role. They own the character. It's how I feel about Scully and Juliet. Those actresses are those roles. They made them real and accessible and relatable, no matter how out of character or ridiculous the story became. Same with Lauren Graham. As much as I bitch about Rory being impossible to like after season 3, Lorelai had her fair share of unlikeable moments in those latter seasons. But Lauren Graham had this brilliant subtle vulnerability and brokenness in her performance that allowed the audience to still connect to and love Lorelai, flaws and all. I rooted for Lorelai to win and be happy. I rooted for Rory to get slapped.
Oh man, you have no idea how much I want to read this fic. Every time you say something about it, it sounds more and more awesome.
Plus, no one will ever be able to convince me that they were setting up some long con surprise about her really being Samantha.
Seriously, that would have been such a great storyline. CC really had no idea what he was doing at the end there because Monica as Samantha >>>>>> starlight as Samantha.
I was never a fan of Jess and Rory but I did find Jess fairly compelling on his own. He was a bit of a douche most of the time but I love when he comes back at the end of season 4. The relationship he has with Luke is just so lovely.
I was not a Jess/Rory fan when I first watched it (because I liked Dean and his floppy hair and his being really tall and he didn't seem so creepily controlling at first), and then when I re-watched I wasn't a fan because I was pretty anti-Rory at that point and had decided I loved Jess post-S4 when he comes back and hugs Luke and thanks him for being there for him.
And Jess and Luke's relationship is SO AMAZING and I love that Jess of all people was one of the few characters on that show who had actual character development and, like, grew up (and didn't revert to acting like a bratty 12-year-old, RORY).
It is really amazing that Jess is one of the few characters to grown and develop. When he comes back for the wedding and he and Luke share that manly man hug as he's leaving? I get misty almost every time. Sometimes I think that relationship is more compelling and rich with story-telling possibilities that the Lorelai/Rory one. I think a lot of the tertiary characters were caught in the characiture zone and that saddens me because I really would have liked to see growth from people like Sookie and Michele.
And now I'll end my random Gilmore Girls rant.
It's weird because when I first started watching the show, I was all about Dean and thought he was just the best. My roommate and I would watch together and talk about how dreamy he was. And then Jess came along with his sassing Lorelai and being a dick to Luke and I wanted to smack him in the face for trying to get with Rory when she was with Dean. But then I realized that Dean was total creeper (and, yeah, Jared Padalecki is...not the best actor. And he also looked super-gross in season 4 and beyond) and Jess started being kind of awesome? It was all very confusing.
But I definitely agree about Paris. She was such a great character, especially when they were still at Chilton. She got a little over the top in later seasons (but so did everyone, I guess), but I still liked how her storyline played out overall. And I really loved the relationship she had with Lorelai--their interactions were always awesome.
And, UGH RORY. I will resist ranting too much about her but I don't understand what the writers were doing with her. And her relationship with Logan is just like the perfect example of that. It's like they took everything about her that made her awesome and relatable in the early seasons and just...ignored it so that she could act like a spoiled brat and date totally douche-y guys and treat Lorelai like shit. LORELAI IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU, RORY. I may have some Rory issues still.
Paris at Chilton is the best. I also love her inexplicable friendship with Madeline and Louise during those seasons. The latter seasons weren't kind to many of the characters and while Paris did suffer from this, I still loved her. She and Doyle amuse me to no end. ♥ Her friendship with Rory was so weird yet so genuine. And I totally agree about her interactions with Lorelai. I actually really love any time Lorelai interacts with Rory's friends. I wish her relationship with Lane could have been explored more.
Don't get me wrong, I do so love this show. But, if I'm being 100% honest, 80% of that love is rooted in my unabashed adoration for Lorelai. She had her faults and flaws and her share of stupid mistakes(hello, anything relating to Christopher) but she is amazing. Definitely one of my favorite female characters.
Damn, I need more than one GG icon.
But yeah, I think a lot of my problem with Rory in the later seasons is that all of the stuff that made her great--her nerdiness, her awesome relationship with her mom, her being a friend to Lane--got dropped in the last 2 or 3 seasons. All of the stuff that people could relate to just went away, and she became this girl who stole yachts and peaced out to Europe when she did something wrong and mooched off her grandparents and her boyfriend and acted like a complete jerk whenever someone dared point out that she had maybe made a mistake. It's probably one of the most frustrating character arcs I've ever seen.
And, yeah, Lorelai is pretty much the main reason to watch. Especially because I feel like with her character, even when she did really REALLY dumb things (UGH, MARRYING CHRISTOPHER), there was always a sense of her realizing that she was making mistakes and trying to figure out how to fix them. She's such a great example of how to do a flawed character well, in a way that makes her really sympathetic. (Although, I'm not sure how much of that was writing and how much was just Lauren Graham being completely awesome.) Either way, my love of Lorelai helped me make it through all the Rory stuff and the Christopher stuff and the Luke-has-a-daughter stuff that made the last few seasons a little painful.
(Although, I'm not sure how much of that was writing and how much was just Lauren Graham being completely awesome.)
I put it about 75% down to Lauren Graham's brilliant performance, honestly. (Plus, Amy Sherman-Pallidino is a freaking nut so I'm hesitant to give her credit for anything.) I know that I am biased because of my love of Lorelai and my love of Lauren Graham but I honestly cannot imagine this role working in the hands of any other actor. Most characters could be played by anyone but the ones I truly love, the ones I sympathize with and connect to and fangirl over, are the ones that are truly brought to life by the actress in the role. They own the character. It's how I feel about Scully and Juliet. Those actresses are those roles. They made them real and accessible and relatable, no matter how out of character or ridiculous the story became. Same with Lauren Graham. As much as I bitch about Rory being impossible to like after season 3, Lorelai had her fair share of unlikeable moments in those latter seasons. But Lauren Graham had this brilliant subtle vulnerability and brokenness in her performance that allowed the audience to still connect to and love Lorelai, flaws and all. I rooted for Lorelai to win and be happy. I rooted for Rory to get slapped.
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