TODAY IS ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY, OR WELL IT WOULD BE IF HE WAS ALIVE.....YEAH...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN...IM GOING TO GO WASTED IN HIS NAME...I SUGGEST THAT EVERYONE DO THE SAME...haa haa haa if not for Mr. Lincoln, then just for the hell of it...yeah...okay....I had a lot of sugar today...and I went on a downloading frenzy....i can't believe half the shit I just downloaded...seriously its great...cause you can get the music you don't really listen to but secretly like...haa haa haa...yeah, you know what Im talking about....anyway...not much going on...Valentines day is coming up again...i only this because it means that there are only 7 days left until my birthday...yes, thats right my 53rd birthday...Abe lincoln would be 196 years old...dont ask how I know that...but if your smart you'd know that I just subtracted 2005 from 1809...there, now you all know my secret...By the way...for those of you looking for another dead presidents birthday to celebrate, I'll have you know that George Washington's birthday is on the 22nd (that's right...right after my birthday) so drink a beer, take a shot,do whatever it is you do, for the father of our enough of my ranting...Im off now...don't know where I'll go...but I'll be going now