Jan 11, 2012 22:27
Thoughts from Visit Of Titans: December 2011.
My parent's visit really made me think about/understand why people with babies move back to their home city/state. If Michigan was a place I could consider living in I think we would be considering it for a few years from now. Once Matt's schooling is paid off (we're $100,000 in debt y'all) we could move somewhere. With how much Matt earns here I don't think we'd want to move until his debt is paid off. But at some point we could live more cheaply away from the Pacific Northwe$t and therefore earn less.
But anyhow, it's all just sad talk because we can't live in Michigan because we would die of cold and sadness. I said to my dad that it's okay that we live far away because he and my mother are too busy to see us often anyhow. My dad said "well... well nevermind" after some goading he said that it doesn't matter, because we'll never move back, but that if we lived in Michigan he would make a point of seeing Zelly every day. EVERY DAY. That is so often. More often than The Daily Show airs, even.
Zelly, Ran, Squidbert, Shosh, and I went to the Experience Music Project/SciFi Museum (now merged into 1 museum that is called... something probably?). It was my first time traveling this far afield with Zelly minus Matt. While there we saw the BSG and Avatar exhibits I've seen both and was not heartbroken that between bathroom visits, feedings, and rocking to sleep I didn't see much of those. Then they wanted to see the horror movie exhibit. It was down a dark spiral staircase. There was also an elevator. We were there as the museum was closing at 5:00 (gift shop open until 5:30) and after that we were going for iced cream and then back over the water so it was going to be a while until the next convenient diaper changing location. I popped into the bathroom in the exhibit to give her a fresh diaper. She was only pee-wet. I can't have been in there for longer than 5 minutes. While we were alone in the bathroom, the museum closed and the 30 or so people in the HORROR MOVIE exhibit, including the ones I arrived with, left and Zelly and I were alone in the exhibit, at the bottom of the spiral stairwell hoping the elevator was still working. See, in movies you're all like "oh yeah right everyone would have just cleared out that fast" and "yeah right, why would they have just left the lady with the tiny baby". Take Away: movies are realistic after all.
Also, while they were here Zelly went in a pool for the first time and it was fucking cute. I'll have to remember to post pictures on my facebook. We're facebook friends aren't we?
Also, I'm going to try to be more positive about my MIL. Try to resent her deficiencies less. Try to get caught up in Matt's feelings about her less. I should at least give her the leeway I give strangers, if not more. I just need to keep Matt out of it, so as to not add oxygen to that combustive baggage. Mending their relationship is not my job. My job is to have the relationship with Matt that I want and the relationship with my MIL that I want (very different relationships I hope!) and that's all. ////Like a Leaf on the Wind////
Zelly is 7 months old (and 2 days) and still no signs of turning front to back or crawling. She is getting much closer to being able to sit up from a position of laying on her back. She also stands while holding onto things pretty well. She enjoys walking while holding our fingers. So maybe she'll be an early walker because she's certainly not interested in early crawling. At this point it wouldn't be early. Um. Crawl already!
We've realized that we have an adventure baby more than a snuggly baby and so sleep snuggles are it for snuggles, so now we go for maximum snuggles during sleep.
Aside: My physical therapist, Dr. Craig Burns is funny and awesome and it will be a little weird to not have chatty times with him anymore once PT is over. I feel like we're buddies.
Time to feed a greaby, braby. <3