Last night after rehearsal (which was surprisingly fun, but also confusing), I hung out at Matt D's and then went over to Brandon's apt to watch RENT! I chilled on the floor for a while while CL played some video game and then we went downstairs... where it was below 0 degrees. So Kris, CL, and I all snuggled up on the couch under a blanket. And listened while Matt and Claire sang along. It was the first time seeing the show/hearing the music that I didn't cry. So we're leaving and Kris and I race to Tyler's car for shotgun (which CL already had) and I apparently dropped my keys somewhere. So I'm going back in the dorm when I realize I don't have them. Them = my car key, room key, and mailbox key. So I get Grey to drive me over to the apt today and my keys are nowhere to be found. I'm waiting on a call from Matt to see if Brandon found them anywhere.
God, today in Singers was THE ABSOLUTE WORST. First of all, Dr. Allen was out for a conference and Dr. Lewis has been sick for the past couple days. So death-breath himself had to lead rehearsal. Second of all, HE IS SHIT. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing, and basically, he tells us to do everything opposite of what the professors have previously said. Plus, he just goes over what we've been going over for the past three rehearsals. I mean, if we don't have it by now John, we're not gonna have it. Third of all, he disrespected Glenda, who was also supposed to be in charge. At least she knows what the hell is going on. Plus, he interrupted her when she was trying to make a helpful suggestion. Then James tried to as well and John cut him off too. I mean, go on already John.
Then I just sat around with Glenda and James talking about different stuff... namely John's shittiness. But then the convo drifted to racism. Talking about how African-Americans at Averett think they're the minority and they're really not. Female African-Americans are. Also about how some people say that racism isn't a problem, when Glenda, Erica, and I all just watched a television show about white-supremacy... in present-day Alabama. Quite disturbing and really, it didn't make any sense to me at all. Like, how are you going to hate Jews but also every other sentence that comes out of your mouth is a Biblical quote? They don't know. Then I told them about snuggling with CL and James started talking about how people give positive and negative hints when flirting. Like, when Glenda and Erica reject black guys, those are negative hints that the guy obviously isn't getting... or worse, refuses to take. Then I chimed in with my situation, the guy isn't picking up (or acting on) the positive hints. Then it hit me... I'm sending out positive hints, but could I be that oblivious/stubborn girl who isn't picking up on the negative hints that he's sending me? I felt like crap from then on.
Then I worked on my Bach piece with Katie. I just wasn't getting anything. We took it mega-slow. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't get the pitches. I couldn't get on beat.
Then my actual voice lesson, where I really only worked on two songs because I failed to bring my voice books to my voice lesson. I hate Wednesdays.
I failed my Spanish quiz. Rome (dumbass) got kicked out of class for sleeping/snoring. That brightened my day slightly.
Then dinner, where Erica and I talked about how many people we had given nicknames/abbreviations/acronyms to.
The Russian - self-explanatory. aka "the clap" because of her ability to spread it with her genitals.
Grizzly - facial-hair-like-whoa. +super scary.
PNG - Picky Nose Guy: self-explanatory.
QNG - Quirky Nose Guy: the cutest nose ever, friends with PNG, gets cuter every time I see him.
H2O - the hottest human ever to grace creation with his presence. named for [a] his ability to make everyone need a cold shower and [b] the pictures i took of him when someone bombarded him with water balloons.
Caveman Brow - self-explanatory.
Belt Buckle Guy - aka "cowboy," "really stomping." Wears huge belt buckles and clonking cowboys boots. Never changes out of his t-shirt and wranglers.
IG - Iraq Girl: husband in Iraq... she always hangs out with this one guy. Scandalous holding hands, sitting on his lap, public back rubs...until we found out she was no longer married. the acronym still applies however.
ED - Explosive Diarrhea: I witnessed this first-hand in the bathroom. Quite disturbing.
Tongue-in-Cheek - Guy from freshman year BIO100 that gave me the t-i-c a couple times before finally realizing that I wasn't going to give him a blow-job. I am now reconsidering that offer... assuming it is still on. I am apparently the only person who thinks this guy is worthy of a nickname.
R(S)HG - Red (Shirt) Hot Guy: Grey and Erica first spotted him in a red shirt on an open house day in the caf... later the "S" was dropped from the acronym because there is a three letter maximum. I do not share their love for his appearance.
Drug Dealer - self-explanatory.
Hairy Belly - Girl with visible happy trail, which she usually flaunted.
DDR - aka "retarded guy," "Ewic." Named because of his love for DDR and his general retardedness. No one exactly know his age.
He-Beast - The nastiest man on the planet.
She-Beast - The nastiest woman on the planet.
(*He-Beast and She-Beast seem to share the same need for drama, and tend to cause most of it themselves.)
Weirdy - self-explanatory, but I love him.
SMC - Super Mega Crotch: self-explanatory. p.s. it is LARGE.
Dos Inchos - Basically the opposite of SMC. Translates: two inches.
Smokey No-Note - aka "Dank." Smokes pot constantly and is in Singers. Some argue that he can sing, but I still love this nickname.
Asshole - my ex-roomate Katie's ex-boyfriend. I stole the nickname from her, but he exudes that aura.
Jackass - guy that constantly makes an ass of himself on purpose. doesn't shut up. gets loud unnecessarily.
(*I would personally like to kick Asshole and Jackass in the balls repeatedly.)
Shuffle Guy - Guy I had a dream about... he shuffled/danced over to me in said dream. I still picture it to this day and crack up every time I see him.
Floofy Hair Guy - self-explanatory.
Nachos - Nickname describes the smell. Not pleasing.
Emo Kid - The most adorable little person to ever don argyle. I still want to give him the biggest and greatest hug ever in the history of the world.
Random Hate - Picked at random at the beginning of Freshman year. Gradually transformed in this fashion: Random Hate-->Reasonable Hate-->Reasonable Like.
HC - Half Cob: friend of CC, we spotted her only eating half of a corn cob and Hi-C for dinner last night and made an ordeal of acronyms out of the situation.
SH - Scary Hair: I see this guy EVERYWHERE on campus. It's like he's reverse stalking me. He is everywhere that I'm going. It is scary. I made up a song about him. (THAT GUY is everywhere, THAT GUY gives me a scare, THAT GUY has scary hair, THAT GUY... THAT GUY.)
NPA - No Personality A_________: self-explanatory, and the blanks are not proportional to the length of the actual name that fits on them.
His Majesty - JAMES. Came in Singers the first day and said "HELLO TO ALL MY WONDERFUL SUBJECTS....*silence*... Note to self: bring subjects."
DEP - Ditzy Equestrian Pants: girl in Singers with the blondest personality, and of course she's an equestrian major.
Butthead - Looks like Butthead form the MTV cartoons. Seriously.
CG - Crotch Grabber: self-explanatory. Every time I see him, he does it at least once.
Apparatus - Guy with some kind of arm-brace-cast-apparatus. Looks like another guy sans apparatus. Today Erica saw the second guy and said, "IS THAT APPARATUS WITHOUT THE APPARATUS?!"
FFP - Full-Fledged Ponytail: black guy with straight, long hair worn in a real ponytail on the back of his head.
Gerry Fade - guy with a fade cut topped with Gerry curls. Frightening to say the least.
Good times and good salad.
Rehearsal was hands down the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. The singing was easy, even though we had to sing with the professional cd instead of the finger-tape Dr. Lewis made us. Then we started dancing. The steps are difficult, the music is fast, and we have to sing while we're doing it. I keep telling myself it's only the second rehearsal, but I really was holding back a good cry. Maybe I should just let it out. Not to mention that Brian is already starting to get on my nerves (like I knew he would) and his breath was rank (like I knew it would be). Plus, he won't shut up and it just makes me angry because I want to get things done and not listen to his bad attempts at jokes with his funk ass breath in my face every .2 seconds.
I guess you could read the annoyed look on my face because CL held me during notes and then gave me a good hug before I left. That really made the day all seem ok.
Then I walked outside... into the rain.