I know, I know, I neglect my LJ way too much. The thing is, how am I supposed to spend my time thinking about updating this when I'm sooo busy READING all the time. Oh and working and packing and stuff, too. But that's much less important. I'm sure you can see that I've started up with Goodreads (which is probably bad because I just look at it and other people's recommendations and then I want more books). But I've been enjoying reading and learning how to write reviews for the books I read.
My last review was of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I'm actually holding myself back from re-reading it because I have lots of other stuff to read. But OMG I loved it so much. Along with my new obsession of everything having to do with reading and books is blog following and contest entering. Here is some of what I've been keeping track of over the last few months:
Koreen is the most recent one I've come to follow. Becca Fitzpatrick retweeted a link to Koreen's blog because she is having a contest to win a SIGNED COPY of Hush, Hush. WHICH IS MY NEW FAVOURITE. Which is why I am SO entering and trying to get as many entries as possible. Hence, this blog post, which I am not ashamed to say!
Now that I have given reason to the neglect of my livejournal, I shall be off to read some more!!