It always is, but this year just felt weirded.
Right now I'm trying to fight the "I'm Single During The Holidays" blues. FIGHT IT, DAMMIT.
I think the strangest part is that for the first time in my life I'm honestly terrified to be in a relationship, which is soooo unlike me. This lovely girl is pursuing me and she's super sweet, smart, tall, and into athletics, but I'm being such a boy and I'm running away and being distant. WTF, man. WTF. Yet, here I am all bummed that I don't have anyone to snuggle with and be adorable with. So, I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind at this point.
Still having a blast with the concussion. It comes and goes. I hate it. I have to wait until it goes away before I can get back to the gym. Apparently it's dangerous to exercise with a concussion. Um, frickin' duh.
Anyway, I'm glad that Christmas is wrapping up and won't be around for another year. Phhhheeeeeeew.
WTF when did I revert back to 2006 and get as emo looking as possible? I swear to god, I dye my hair darker and start to wear my glasses again (read: I need to see. I hate my glasses, but I do love being able to see) and this is what happens? Good heavens...