
May 17, 2004 20:30

Haha.. okay, well i FULLY wore a skurt/skort, [whateveh] tew school... and it was FULLY like freeezin hehe.. but its all good.. well HiM was flurtin..[telirfing] and frig, i was about to do it right then and there... but i didnt, im threw with this shit..frigg, ima not gunna be his gurl, and let him friggin FULLY pimp me, and then go do the nexx girl in lyne..shiet.. dayumm.. iuno, and he's rushing this shiet, nd he kissed meeh like i aint have no problem, dayumm shiet..

newayz, so yea... err, what happened, frigg kris like killed meeh.. on the bus he was throwing popcorn kernalz at meeh and then i kept slapping him, i find it quite fuh-nee... lmao! Nd then, so yeh...then im on msn, and i hear friggin stoopid gossip and lies tha kris slapped mah ass, frigg, and javier wont tell meeh who the hell it is, gosh!!..

yes, and then vince said i had to bring the video, 'Love Dont Cost a Thing' back to Rogers, so i went to aLLyz house, and picked herr up, and we walked to Rogerz.. we dropped off the moovie, and then went to Pizzapizza, to go get friez. Haha, it was soo fuh-nee.. because aLLy came with meeh to go return the movie because she had to return a movie to, but she forgot that her movie was BLOCKBUSTER!... LMAO!... it was soo fuh-nee because Blockbuster, is friggin FULLY completely on the other side of where we were going..

nd, well lol.. less just say thingz were joax!.. haha.. and then me and tiney almost got introuble during science class because we were FULLY having poking warz, and pen wars... it was joax... hehe..

Jacobs birthday is coming up, and Muskoka Woods is coming up too... [can't wait, but i'll have to] wonderful, i get to meet James' gurlfriend at jacobs birthday, shes coming.. lol, so yeah.. neway.. guess thats al.. haha i did one of those "PONTLESS" things again, haha.. oh well, he can deal.. oh yeah, did i tell you about SAM THE DEMENTED DUCK!! haha... he's so wicked-awesome.. I love Sam! [Quuacck] LATAH Daiz!!

By the way; [Mental Note/Notice] tee-hee you can't ferget..HAPPY 5TH ANNIE TOPAR&AUBELLE <3

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