Apr 18, 2004 00:38
YEAYY! hehe.. its 12: 38am, hah! It's sunday!!.. I have to go to sleep still, then i gotz tew go tew bowling.. damn shit!.. haha im talking to Ally on msn, ish pure jokez
[---++Infamous-shawteE* -- Only Hope.. GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!! Happy Bday TINEY!} says:
IStillDo *BaybeeangyL -- says:
Ghey-NESS, going on herr!!
Thass pure joax.. fershure. Ima write this up latahz.. goss tah get some sleep =).. Latahz [HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINEY]
Hehe.. after writing that ^ i got off the computer, called aLLy, fun-fun.. hehe, neway then after 2nd overtime in the canucks game, i got off the fone with aLLy, and i went to sleep. This morning i woke up around 9: 00 am. haha, talked to Dayton on the fone, we somehow came to talk of the subject of Presidents, and the Capitals of Places.. oh my, its jokes cuz he's like "What's the capital of USA'... and im like...err..New York? Haha...eweh.. so ghey, its WASHINGTON! And then we kept talking about other capitals and things.. tee-hee.. neway, thass aLL fer now, going to go to bowling soon.. gahh!! I don't wanna though.. buhh neway, latahz!
yeay!.. im back, went to werk @ club 300 bowl.. nd, i made bout $27.00 heh, now im at jordanz house, im taking pixxchurs.. and chattin on msn messenger =) to; aLLy, erica, jhustyn, lalata, and tiney =) fun-fun.. neway, thass purrty much aLL of mah day.. heh, i'm out latahz!
I am currently..
Thinking About: 1 Sti11 d0..
Wanting: STILL wanna sleep!
Missing: my frienz and someONE
Smelling: candles? lmao..
Eating: nothing =( but im drinking COKE!
Hearing: er.. juss tha tv
Going to: call ally
Talking: no one. =(