
May 27, 2002 20:03

hey im rele rele b0red.. i wuz supposed 2 g0 2 staten island 2dai but it didnt g0 ma way grrrr. ma dad sed we would g0 az s0on az he fisihed painting but while he wuz painting he spilled tha paint in da po0l.. really smart. n then i straightened ma hair n ate dinner n watched m0olah beach(clark iz hot. i want to be on m0olah beach 2 i would dominate!!! haha j*k)then i w0rked out n did sum utha stuff!!! 2morro we g0 bak 2 sko0l n i rele dun want 2 but wednesday iz feild day... s0 this weekend wuz pretty ko0l...i saw sum naked peepz wit cassie which wuznt very pretty hehe lmao n met sum drunk peepz 2 wit lissa! go0d news tho next sunday im g0in 2 staten island s0 h0pefully i*ll see sandra or maggie.. o0o n a lil bit of advice if u ever burn pictures never put perfume on them 1st or they blow up!!!!ok n0w im watchin 7th heaven i think itz an old episode tho! ok s0 now ima g0 kay madd luv
InSaNe TaE x0x
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