Jan 07, 2006 16:06
omg.... so me and terry woke up and went shopping today, came back, and I got in the shower to get ready for work. While I was in the shower, he got on the internet. Well, when I got out, he got in the shower... so I checked my email. It told me that Terry had written on my wall on facebook.... this is what it said, and this is why i ADORE HIM!
omg... you are an amazing person and i dont know where i would be in my life if i didnt meet you... youve always been there for me no matter what through the fun times and the not so much fun times... my life has been totally changed because of you and i cant even begin to tell you how thankful i am for you! you are an amazingly beautiful and awesome girl and i love you!
Where has he been my whole life??? It really doesn't matter though... because all I know is that he's in it now, and I really couldn't ask for more.