Dec 06, 2004 12:02
Jury duty this morning. 1 hour, three bleary-eyed bus rides there. 1 1/2 hours, three relieved but exhausted rides back.
I did, however, discover the quickest way to be excused from jury dutyand I didn't even have to lie! I was the first person excused, and some of the reasons people gave before me seemed pretty good. They included: "I take care of my mother-in-law, who has Alzheimer's," and "I stay home with my kids, aged three years, two years, and four months." The reply to these was, "Well, we'll get back to you shortly."
Finally the judge, who was an elderly gent with a microphone and ran the selection kind of like a gameshow host, got to me. "What's your profession, ma'am?" (Am I old enough to be ma'am-ed yet? Eep.)
"Graduate student."
"And where do you go?"
"Cal." (=Berkeley, for locals)
"What do you study?"
"Music history, and I have a paper due tomorrow."
"You're excused."