Title: We're Fading Fast
Author: bay115
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,161 Words
Characters: Roy/Riza, Maes/Gracia
Warnings: Sexy times
Summary: Roy and Riza goes to Hughes' wedding together and right after have a moment to themselves.
Notes: For
this prompt from the
Kisses Down Low Oral Sex Fanfest. Title comes from Fall Out Boy's "Miss Missing You
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I actually looked through over this fic a few times before before sending it to my beta. I then reread the story again after posting it (noticed a couple typos and awkward phasing).
The pacing my beta helped me out some, but looks like I'll have to slow down/describe more. I admit I tend to go for one off action sentences as I'm afraid I'll repeat. :x The anon from Tumblr said the same thing and I'm really trying to fix that.
On the tension, my beta mentioned that in the rough draft. I send her the rewritten version of the staircase scene and she seems okay with it. And LOL the dance scene I rewrote it several times and I'm still unsure of it.
Thanks so much for the comment! I'm pondering over rewriting the dance and staircase scene (and perhaps stretch out a few sentences here and there), so once I get to that I'll let you know and hopefully it'll be better. As I mentioned looked through/rewrote this fic several times already, but because I want this story to be good looks like I'll give it another quick polish, lol.
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