Updating at last, but not at all because
daps forced me to do it. *cough* And I even figured out how to link another journal. I deserve many rewards. *g* (Disregard fact that it was easy, and that I'm clearly an idiot because it took 5 attempts to get it right. Stupid LJ FAQ. *kicks*)
Spring training has started! So I can give my first GO RED SOX on my journal. They played the Yankees yesterday and lost but these games are meaningless...*except* for the first couple of innings when the starting pitching was in. The Red Sox pitcher (who is only *trying* to be a starting pitching!!! He was only an occassional closer last year!) pitched three shut-out innings while the Yankees' pitcher (both a starting and relief pitcher for them) gave up 4 runs. Ha! I know it is way to early to start this but I just can't help it. :)
I sent out two resumes in the past month, have already interviewed with one and today got a call for an interview with the second. Yay. Only, *worry* about the interview itself. Is there anyone who likes being interviewed? Doesn't seem possible. The first one went ok but I suspect this second one will be more difficult. Both jobs sound stressful. But money would be nice. Fire bad. Tree pretty.
Animal kingdom update? The bird deserted us once the weather got warmer which is probably a good sign. Eagle, wild turkeys, foxes, hawks and some other unusual animal I've never heard of and can't recall the name of have all been spotted around town. The Boston Globe wrote an article on the number of unusual animal spottings here. Theories range from the unusually cold weather to development pressures. But I wonder. Isn't unusual animal activity suppposedly a sign of something bad? Or maybe I've seen The Birds too many times. *g*
It's snowing.
I saw the documentary My Architect a few weeks ago. I thought it was fascinating, in part because I recognized much of the Philadelphia scenery, because I've studied Louis Kahn's architecture and because he was my professor's professor. But aside from the personal connections, it was an interesting look into his life which I had never known anything about. He had two mistresses and two children by them, in addition to a child by his own wife. And none of them spoke badly of him, or resented him. Rather, they praised and defended him. Amazing. Of course his wife was not included since she has died, but she clearly knew about the other women before his death, so still remarkable. Excellent movie though, I'd recommend it to anyone but especially if you have an interest in architecture it will be extra enjoyable because they focus quite a bit on his buildings. It was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Documentary so you don't have to go on my word alone. :)
And...done. :)