Feb 10, 2010 16:50
I'm sure everybody as seen the new footers floating around the bottom of blogs and news pages, anything with frequently updated content. You know the things, they're more java toolbars than footers. They tend to hug the bottom of the window instead of the end of the page. It seems everybody wants me to join their site and share some modicum of personal information with them. Thats fine, but what do I get out of it? I randomly followed a link to your page. I've probably never been there and probably won't be back. How about you just leave a nice big, obvious log in/sigh up button. The other fun use for these things is the social networking widget. So now they're asking me to advertise for them. I very rarely share stuff like this, I also rarely post, but thats besides the point. If I'm following or friends with someone who is just an aggregator for random, or specialized content that I don't want to read, they get dropped. I don't want to be that guy either. My theory is this; the people who are going to share already have a dedicated toolbar/plugin to handle that shit so they don't have to log in every single time.
I can only hope that this trend dies out in a year or so when people once again move away from webcentric and cloud computing. As I said before, we moved away from from that stuff in the '80s when terminals evolved into personal computers. But thats another rant.