Jan 22, 2009 19:34
Every now and then I suspect I'm trying to get into the wrong line of work. In the course of a shower my thoughts somehow transfer from a television show to organizing code for a project I haven't thought about in over a year. Everytime some random thing like this happens I'm thinking there is something wrong with me, but I love it none the less.
The actual train of thought, I made a point of remembering it:
NCIS -> cornstarch -> latex gloves -> latex allergies -> latex clothes -> amazon book search for "latex" -> latex (markup language) -> equation typesetting -> wikipedia -> bezier curves -> old projects and klein bottles -> data structures and recursive functions.
Strangley I actually know someone who works for NCIS and someone with a latex allergy.
Huh, The replacement for latex gloves is neoprene gloves. I wonder if they make neoprene condoms? That would certainally solve somebody's problem.