he talks in maths.

Dec 01, 2009 22:53

1. i haven't listened to radiohead in foreverrr but this song came up on my roommate's ipod and i made a point of resolving that. i used to listen to this song on one of the now compilations while i played nintendo 64 so it's like memory city for me. i'll ask myself!

2. i am way sad that i got too drunk to participate in the friending meme the other day. stupid mcmenamin's and their delicious ruby ale and cajun tots and having to have seattleboy drive my car home for me and end the night with more drunken cuddling. I AM TREADING A FINE LINE HERE, NOT COOL, PROBABLY.

3. i am getting kind of worried that my roommates are going to break up one of these days and i'm not going to have a place to live anymore. high tension!

4. i'm starting to get nervous about applying for psu. what if i don't get in? what if i'm not good enough? etc. etc. bah. what's a girl to do? i just want to learn about languages and history and other nerdy stuff! come on oregon, let me in!

5. how is it december already, seriously.

eta: oh yeah i forgot i wanted to fill this out.

FIRST NAME: robyn. i'm not really fond of it, though the "y" keeps me from disliking it completely. seattleboy calls me brobyn because we are bros and roll that way.

AGE: 23.

LOCATION: just outside of portland, oregon. i've only lived here for like two months though; before that i lived in arizona.

OCCUPATION: i work a silly retail job but will hopefully get a big girl job one day. i'm also kind of a student student even though i graduated from community college this spring and don't technically go anywhere yet.

PARTNER: no one!

KIDS: blargh not right now. that would be way lame.

BROTHERS/SISTERS: i am a classic only child, though apparently i share well.

PETS: the roommates have two cats; one is black-and-white and the other is siamese and both of them are terrified of me.

1. hey i just wrote about this! oh well. um. transferring to my new job has been more difficult than i had anticipated. it's hard because at my old job i was really needed and appreciated and a part of the team but i really don't feel like that here. it's the same job, but the people are different, and that's the biggest problem. i'm hoping it will get better with time, though.
2. i'm going to europe for the first time in march. i'm trying to teach myself some german and polish before i go but i keep on getting distracted.
3. i am slowly learning to drive on the freeway. it's not as scary as you'd think!

PARENTS: my parents are pretty cool. i'm really close to my mom but my dad and i have kind of a weird relationship. they're coming to visit me in like two weeks and i'm excited to see them, though! it's weird, i didn't think that moving really would impact our relationship as much as it has, but i do miss them.

CLOSE FRIENDS: roommates! i should probably give them nicknames or something. i have known roommate a since sophomore year of high school. we also went to elementary and middle school together but we didn't talk much. she's really into comics and video games and is working to become a school counselor. she's also dating roommate b, who i also went to high school with. roommate b is more into anime and manga and cute things but she also likes video games a lot. she played zelda for what felt like years when we first moved in. other than the two of them i am close to seattleboy, which probably goes without saying. we also went to high school together; he and roommate a and i were all in the same social group back then. he was also the drummer for a shitty garage band we made junior year. i played guitar!

there are a few people back home that i adore but other than that, i don't have a lot of other close friends! i haven't had a chance to meet a lot of people up here yet. i should probably uh, work on that.

awkwardness, nostalgia, roommates, music

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