so as i lay on the couch with seattleboy, comfortably drunk and stuck in cuddle mode, i had the most unfortunate realization! it is, admittedly, something i have realized before but have continued to forget. perhaps because i am an idiot, who knows. but basically, i realized that although he's an awesome guy, i don't care for him in that way. gah. i have terrible timing, don't i. oh well. at least i got some
voodoo out of the situation. and watched too many episodes of black books. i can definitely say that i've had worse halloweens, that's for sure. but the point is. i'm in my house now! it's so big! and i have to rake leaves and worry about heating bills and all sorts of other things! how amazing. i feel terribly grown up. we have a basement! and there's only a seventy percent chance it's haunted! what more can a girl ask for.
tonight i made enchiladas for the roommates and myself and caught up on glee. i honestly don't think i could love that show more. matthew morrison is so adorable i practically can't stand it! oy gevalt. it is going to be hard to go back to work in a week and a half.i have definitely been enjoying my month off! i work nights so it's been pretty sweet to just stay up all night playing video games and watching tv. i started up final fantasy three for the ds again but i got to a boss fight and don't have enough phoenix downs so i've kind of lost interest already. i'll avenge your death someday, aria, i promise.
and now, more leftover halloween candy! and possibly community episodes! life is [still] awesome.