dead sea made me choke.

Aug 09, 2009 23:50

this song reminds me so, so much of being fifteen and being in summer school. amber chavez loaned me her copy of surfer rosa and i took it home and listened to it over and over and over again and my whole world changed. i remember passing it back to her during science class and going to get lime eegee's together at lunch and oh man, sometimes i miss those days. high school wasn't really the best time ever for me but there are these little pockets of memories that don't even feel like they belong to me. it's like i was this whole different person from age fifteen to seventeen-eighteen. it's weird too because although i am still ridiculously young, high school feels like a million years ago. i feel so old. i can't properly explain it. it's just weird and oh god itunes just started playing saves the day. apparently it is high school memory night tonight. who wants to fangirl chris conley and make some shitty art, i do i do.

hello random tangent, haven't seen you around in a while.

i made a list of all the languages that i want to learn and the end total was ten. randomly i am most excited for german! i want to speak with an austrian accent. sexy sexy. ♥

back in the day, languages, music

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