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Jun 24, 2009 04:25

If you plan on seeing Transformers 2 and dont want to be dissuaded do not click on my lj-cut.

"Michael Bay has once again transformed garbage into something resembling a film, at least in the loosest sense: it can be run through a projector and used to sell millions of tickets. "
Jeffrey M. Anderson
Combustible Celluloid

Amongst the lot of them, there isn't a single emotional connection made, and attempts at bringing personality to the robotic figures consist of giving them cornball one-liners such as, "Damn, I'm good!" and, "Punk-ass Decepticons!" When all else fails, ghetto-talkin', gold-teeth-wearin' duo Skids and Mudflap (both voiced by Tom Kenny) are tossed into the mix, representing such appalling black stereotypes that, yes, they even admit to being illiterate. Who in their right mind could have thought this was a good idea? Not to be outdone, Bay continues to strive for strictly unfunny slapstick humor in other places, too, turning Sam's mother, Judy (Julie White), into a whimpering caricature who curses a lot, cries even more, and then runs amok on her son's college campus after ingesting pot brownies from a Rastafarian drug dealer. There are not one, not two, but three humping jokes, two involving a Chihuahua and a pug, and the other between a Decepticon and Mikaela's leg. In another scene, a little person is cast as a traffic security guard for no reason other than to be ridiculed by being referred to as a "munchkin."

-Reviewed by Dustin Putman, June 23, 2009


Dan- I have been hearing that mad black people are pissed about the jarjar bots.
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