Despite me running around like a chicken without a head these days, I managed to write this little thing for you, Bill :)
Title: Dawn
Pairing: You'll see ;)
Rating: PG-13
Language: English
Disclaimer: It's only fiction. Never happened and probably never will.
Summary: Two couples, two ways of love...
A/N: Happy Birthday
drbillbongo! Ich wünsch dir alles,
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! It's one of the most awesome birthday presents anyone has ever given me, and I feel so flattered and flushed and honoured and not worthy at all. *blushes and glomps you* And I may be biased, but this is definitely one of the best fics you've written, and it makes me feel even more honoured.
I love you. ♥
*feels honoured by your comment*
I still haven't managed to write an entry about my birthday, mostly because I haven't had the time to take pictures (and some of my presents haven't arrived yet), but I'll do that soon and definitely link to this story. I love it. I've read it again today and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. So thanks again, YOU ROCK. :)
Mine is only a month away and everytime somebody asks me what I want, I say that I have no idea...
And to be honest, I don't know yet what to get you, either. I'm currently suffering from writer's block, so I can't promise fic, but the least I can do is a batch of icons for you - I always seem to be able to do that. So if you have any favourite pics (no matter how many), I'll make icons for you. Or if you have an Amazon wishlist, I'll get you something from there. You inspire, I choose. :D
Might get the text message later on, my cell's been acting up all day >_< Unfortunately, I have to work on Saturday, late shift :( I would have loved to come, but I can't change it around anymore :( I still hope you'll have a great party though!
I'll have a look through my pictures folder for icons. Thank you already for doing this :)
I really should have told you about the party earlier, but I only figured everything out on Tuesday when I spoke to the Farmer. She's my oldest and best friend, and I wouldn't want to have a birthday party without her, so I had to make sure first that she'd be free on Saturday. Ah well, but that doesn't mean we can't meet up on a different day and have lots of fun. :D
It's the least I can do! I'd really love to write fic for you (though it could never be as awesome as the one you wrote for me *hearts*), but I'm still stuck on writer's block. Can't even get out drabbles at the moment. It sucks. *sigh*
Don't worry, hun. Normally I don't mind working on weekend, but it really annoys me that I have to check in with my boss weeks beforehand if I want to have a patricular day off >_<
As I already texted you, I'll find out how I'll have to work next week tomorrow. Hopefully we can arrange something then :)
I know how it is when it comes to writer's block. Suffered from it for almost a whole year. It gets you really frustrating, but once it is back, you're more inspired than ever ;)
Of course I remember you mentioning that you liked this kind of plot ;) I was thinking what you would enjoy most, kinda put down a short list and built the fic around it. I also wanted to include McFly somehow in the fic and so that's what I came up with (I think it should be obviously in which journal Daniel reads about the comming out ;)). I don't know enough about McFly to really write fic about them, but this was still a nice way to put them in. And well, then it just had to be my new OTP Dougie and Harry who were the ones to come out (btw, ich weiß nicht woran es liegt, aber je öfters ich Tranny höre, gerade den Chorus, hab ich das Gefühl, dass Dougie wohl ein kleines bisschen an Harry gedacht hat ;)).
After all I'm just really glad you like it so much. It was the least I could do for your birthday *snuggles*
OMG, you remembered that? *squees self to death* I can't even begin to describe how happy it makes me that you did this for me. <3!
(I think it should be obviously in which journal Daniel reads about the comming out ;))
*blush* You bet I'd be one of the first people to post about that. XDD
(btw, ich weiß nicht woran es liegt, aber je öfters ich Tranny höre, gerade den Chorus, hab ich das Gefühl, dass Dougie wohl ein kleines bisschen an Harry gedacht hat ;))
Das denk ich mir auch jedes Mal! Ich mein, der Song ist so verrückt, da muss eine versteckte Botschaft drin sein! Und wenn man auf die Kleinigkeiten achtet, dann MUSS man über das "people marching to the drums" stolpern! XD Macht alles perfekt Sinn! :D
Maybe if those plotbunnies keep turning up, there might be more Daniel fic for you in the future ;)
I'm quite a good listener when it comes to such things (everything for a good plotbunny ;)). If I had more time and inspiration I might have built more on that, meaning that I'd write him reading a particular story and his reactions to it.
Zuerst ist mir das mit den Drums gar nicht aufgefallen, aber dann hab ich auch mal die Lyrics rangezogen und war voll O_O 'Drums' und dann 'sound of love'... Dougie, warum hast du nicht gleich gesungen 'Harry, I love you!' XD Ich stell mir das ja bildlich vor, wie Dougie mit der Akkusticgitarre aufm Bett sitzt, den Song schreibt, und Harry daneben und ihn beobachtet :D
Maybe you could do a "deleted scenes" fic? *nudgenudge* No, I really don't want to seem greedy. *hides* ;)
Dougie, warum hast du nicht gleich gesungen 'Harry, I love you!' XD
Gute Frage! XD Wäre wohl genauso offensichtlich gewesen! :D
Ich stell mir das ja bildlich vor, wie Dougie mit der Akkusticgitarre aufm Bett sitzt, den Song schreibt, und Harry daneben und ihn beobachtet :D
AWWWWWWWW! Das ist ja zu niedlich. OMG, ich werd da morgen den ganzen Tag dran denken und mit einem Riesengrinsen auf dem Gesicht rumlaufen! ♥
Well, who knows ;) Maybe on the next train ride to a reserves team away game XD
Is aber auch ein niedliches Bild :D das hab ich im Kopf seit ich dieses Video von der Tranny Accoustic Version von Dougie and Danny gesehen hab ;)
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