Once again, I'm going to be taking icon commissions. There's a slight difference this time. I'm a little short on cash, so I'm gonna charge $15 for 'em this round, because I need the extra money. I'm also going to ask that anyone who got in the last wave please refrain from this one, just so other people can get a chance. If the slots don't fill up after a sufficient amount of time, then I'll allow it.
Cost: $15 for one/$25 for two
What you get: Two versions of an image: a full-size, 400x400 picture and a downsized 100x100 icon of that picture, as shown here.
More examples (click the icon for the full-size image)
The small icon itself can be resized to different proportions than 100x100 if you wish. It can also have a transparent background if you would like that as well. You must request these though, or I will assume you want it the normal way.
How many: I will be taking on ten icon commissions.
Limits: Each person may request up to two icon commission at a time. If you want two, the cost is $25. They may be of different characters or the same character in different poses/moods. The choice is yours, but if you do choose two, I need to know this information. Also, as usual, I reserve the right to reject any commissions that are of themes that I am not comfortable with drawing, such as adult works. These are basically just mugshots, not full-scale pics.
Descriptions: When requesting a commission, please state the character to be drawn, what pose/mood you would like, if any, and give any references to that character that you might have. The more, the merrier, as it will give me a better idea how to draw exactly what you want. All of this information can be posted either here, or, if you don't have a LiveJournal account, by mailing me at
How do you I sign up: If everything sounds good and you want to order an icon, simply reply to this journal with the information requested above. No reservation replies will be taken. I will respond after I have checked the entry. These are sold first-come, first-served. Payment should be done through PayPal and sent to the e-mail address "". Payment does not have to be immediate, but the commission will remain hidden until I have received it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Slot 0 - Zookee
Slot 1 - Nekomon
Slot 2 - Celyddon
Slot 3 - Dr. F. Geek
Slot 4 - Rikoshi - 2
Slot 5 - Kyle
Slot 6 - Woody - 2
Slot 7 - Pan
Slot 8 - Anchors - 2
Slot 9 - Katayama - 2
Slot 10 - Cekle