Apr 12, 2004 16:04
I know that it has been a while since I last posted. Actually I don't know when the last time that I posted was, anyways, lol. But I have been one busy little bee. Back to school and still remaining at work has put some what of a damper on the social life that I had somewhat created over spring break. But not to worry, I am still getting out of my hell, oh I mean house still quite a bit, just not as much as I would like to.
Well I hope that eveyone's Easter went well. I guess mine was ok. It was very busy and eventful. What do you expect with three little ones from ages 5 to 1 running around? Pure chaos let me tell you. Please take them, even for just one hour . . .instant birth control. Lol, but I still love my girls. I was given a wake up call at the buttcreak of dawn by the 2 year old jumping on my stomack, still has it all in a jumble from that.
Well my schedule keeps getting fuller and fuller by the minutes. I start my field hours on Thursday, so no more opening shifts at work until summer. But that does not get me off the hook of gettin up early. Just means I will be gettin up early to be at my school and then go to work, fun times, woohoo. I am really excited about being back in the school though. I am gonna be at Alcott Elementary right here in Westerville with a first grade class. I am also terrified because I have never worked with first graders before. But just like everything else i am sure that it will be an unforgetable learning experience. Remember, kids will say anything.
But anyways, it is off to class for me, fun times.
Just remember:
Much love