Then why don't YOU quit being a pussy and step in. They are some of the girls I hang out with and you do give them dirty looks along with me I see it everytime I'm at locos. If you're going to be disrespectful to my friends, I'm sure as hell going to be disrespectful to yours. The english- I'm fucking 14 years old and I'm writing better than you are. You're, what, 16-17 years old? It's sad. Are you implying that I call myself a bitch? If you are, it just so happens that I don't. Since I call you a bitch and you call yourself a bitch, it really shouldn't matter if I call you a bitch. The things you missed were: "HE'S TOO (much of a)FUCKING PUSSY TO LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO FUCKING SAY" "Lindsey just go(t) to you first"
Maybe you should talk to Lindsey and tell her to get out of it, because thats what I'm trying to get to you and you're getting to me.
wtf??? im not being the fuck is this being pussy...if you wanna say that i give you and your friends dirty looks then i guess there's nothing i can do about it b/c you are dead set in your mind....i've never disrespected your friends if they didn't deserve it...And no, i wasn't implying that you call yourself a bitch. learn how to read. I said that i call myself a bitch. i really hope that you go to college to be a teacher...b/c you seem to find it humorous to correct everyone's mistakes but your own. and just for the record i'm 16...and as long as i'm not in english class i don't care if i make a gramatical error or not. it's bound to happen. just like shit and snow.
Leave my name out of this shit i said, if you wanna start somethin, i'm here. so what if i spell shit wrong, atleast i'm not a stuck up cunt like you. and, i bet i have more respect for myself and i get more respect because of it. you need to take a good look at yourself before you judge others. and i sincerely doubt that Paige gives your pitiful friends dirty looks. you all are what, 14? what would she do with you? you probably think you're hot shit, but let me tell you, when you get your ass beat by me or someone else, maybe you'll also get some sense beat into you. and maybe you shouldn't be messin around in other people's business. Oh, and i feel sorry for Trevor, i mean, dating down THAT much must have been humiliating for him. how sad. i was out of this until you decided to use my name, you don't even deserve to speak my name. and, if you're trying to get her and i out of this, then maybe you should stop talkin shit, cause it's just fueling the fire.
what the fuck? that does not make any sense, leave it to the immature one to make insults....ha! and how do you know about my sex life, wait! YOU DON'T! atleast i'm not a slut who talks about having sex all the time and shit. you know nothing about me, so i'd shut the fuck up. you don't even know what the fuck i look like, so how can you judge me, i've heard stories of you, so i atleast know something. but you, all you know is my name, other than that, you don't know jack shit.
really? and when did i ever talk about having sex? stories don't mean shit. yes, it does make sense. read it over and over until your small mind can comprehend it.
no, it doesn't make any sense. and i'm sorry that you don't understand that. oh, and i do not have a small mind. Obviously you do, or else you would have stopped talking a long time ago. you're running out of insults, and it's completely obvious. Plus, if i have such a small mind, i would not be going into english 11 advanced, if you're going to try and insult my comprehension, i'd take another crack at it, because it's not going to work. i'm smarter than you, and you know it. you eventually will just sit there and have nothing to say but repeats. and there, i will feel sorry for you. and i'm very sorry that you don't realize when you talk about sex, because when trying to insult me, you said quote "would you rather me call you a door knob fucker? since it's all you can get" for one DOORKNOB is one word, and for two, you did talk about having sex, you may not have talked about YOU having sex, but i just said "having sex". you're a smart one aren't you? *sarcasm if you didn't pick it up* OH, and most stories have atleast a tiny bit of
( ... )
Who cares what grade you're going into. It really doesnt mean shit. If you havent noticed the iowa school systems suck ass compaired to others.'Would you rather me call you, door knob fucker?' Better? Use your mind and create a comma if it isnt there. you havent told me yet, what stories have you heard? Oh, and just to let you know, since you're trying to sound like you got things/people to back you up, I do have people to back me up. Don't worry about that. They say the things in others that you hate reflect on what you hate about yourself--remember that.
Have a nice night, no bitching for the night. (going somewhere else for the night).
i find it funny how you can't read. I said Doorknob is ONE WORD, i didn't say anything about a comma, oh, and i don't hate you. i don't know you. so how can i hate you? all i'm doing is defending myself and my friend. plus, do i really need to tell you your stories. are you THAT out of the loop to not know your own rumers? It maybe true that Des Moines schools suck, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't take any sort of - wait....why am i even talking to you. you're a waste of my time. yup you are. well bye.
you said it didnt make sense so i changed it. paige and i were cool until i saw your comment. thats right, because there are no stories that you know. adios have fun with your life.
"Lindsey just go(t) to you first"
Maybe you should talk to Lindsey and tell her to get out of it, because thats what I'm trying to get to you and you're getting to me.
have a nice day.
Have a nice night, no bitching for the night. (going somewhere else for the night).
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