Boredom, sheer and utter boredom...

Apr 12, 2005 14:09

I am at school....again/ sucks. i have to pee but i can't go because we have these ghetto hall nazis. they constantly ask, "do you have a pass? where are you going? did you forge this?" it's really tempting to go, "yes, i have a forged pass and i am just randomly walking around." makes me giggle...i like it better at central. i can jip any class i want, not that i do or anything, and no one cares. as long as you make up the work. i have NEVER been asked for a pass at central. i probably just jinxed it or something. oh well....this entry might be long. i am at mrs. lyons' desk, she's at a meeting and i have 21 more minutes to kill. this sucks. i told her i was doing a research paper for english class. that's not entirely a lie. i do have to work on it. i found 2 new kinds of wiccan rites...woohoo....but's hard for me to lie to her. she's so nice, unlike some people in this world. i tried to go to the computer lab and the woman's like, "no, you can't be here, i do not have time to supervise you." wtf??? yeah, because i am going to be looking at porn or something in the computer lab...riiight. i hate stupid people. i really do....they need to be shot.
i can't think of anything to say. i just randomly need to look productive if someone walks back here. i can hear them walking to i don't really need to be able to stop what i am doing. this is just boring. hehe, i was delivering papers today and i walked upstairs and mr. brayton is literally walking in circles upstairs...i worry about that man...i had him last year for business i got an A in that class im not sure...well, it could have something to do with open book tests and all, but it was great. he'd let us leave early. we'd be sitting up there going, Brayton...can we leave, we aren't doing anything. so he'd let us leave...he'd be like, let me walk you to the door so it looks like you are doing something with me...then we'd get in a car and go home. those were the days.
have i mentioned yet that i really have to pee...i mean, when a girl gots to pee...a girl gots to i have to hope that my sister doesn't have to pee when we get home or im screwed...i might walk to QT if that's the case. wowza...maybe i'll go and look at the piercings that i am going to get. i really can't wait. i am super excited...makes me wanna dance. oh, and for those of you who don't read my xanga....i talked to my mom about getting my tragus pierced and she said no...but i've been working on her for 3 months or so and she finally gave in and said yes. then i told her that i want my rook pierced ... she's like, i don't want to make you mad, but you know how i feel about it and i can't stop you. so basically i am getting my rook and my tragus done on the same day. it will be either this friday or next...depending on when i get my tax return. and must come with me. my mom and dad are going to be there...but i want you there with'll be my first needle kinda nervous b/c i don't know if it'll bleed a lot...that would scare me.
well...anyways, im down to only having 14 minutes to kill. i can do that easily.
i love most of you...hehe...just kidding. i love you all. adios!
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