Title: Indulgence
Author: baudown
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Disclaimer: Not mine
Written for:open_on_sunday
Prompt: Promise
Word count: 100
Once the fever broke, and he was certain Harris would make it, Spike indulged himself a little. Two days passed in a blissful blur: tucking in blankets, threatening doctors, smoothing back hair from a heated brow. At last, a chance to unleash his longing, yet still have its object remain unaware.
He was bedside, moistening the boy's cracked lips with slivers of ice, when Harris finally woke. "Need you," he rasped. "Don't leave me."
Clearly, the boy was delirious. Didn't know what he'd said, or to whom.
"Never," Spike whispered, if just to himself. "I promise you, Xander. I'm yours."