
Jan 20, 2009 01:01

ok, i borrowed a comic term which i admittedly may have mis-used. But I want to relate things which have already happened. It's nice to chronicle all the important moments and make memories. I swear, there is logic somewhere, in this convoluted sentence.

Dylan's taken to waking up around 3am these past few days. I think it's because Hubs tempted fate by noting airily " Hey, he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night any more." Haiz.

But to be fair, Dyl's been sleeping on his own since the day he came home from the hospital, and he really has been an easy child to put to sleep since. He sticks to his schedule, has a bedtime routine and sleeps throughout the night 88% of the time. I do not have horror stories to pass around - of him bawling and refusing to sleep; of trying all sorts of methods to get him to close his eyes etc.

However, on the rare days when he does wake up, I would let him wrap me round his little pinky, and acede to his command to "siiit outshide". I would plonk him next to me on the couch to watch late TV. after some time when he nods off, I will bring him to our bed, THEN in the morning when hubs goes to work, he gets carried back to his cot.

But Hubs reckons ( and rightly so) that mommy being a willing slave to his late night whims should be stopped. So last night, I brought him straight to our bed without the usual preamble.

Maaan. he cried and cried, but I stood my ground. He continued crying and told hubs " I'm so sad, I'm so sad, because mamee scold me..." Those were literally his words. I just burst out laughing then. I've never been around toddlers before him, so I have no way of comparing, but sometime, Dylan shocks me with his articulate-ness. He is 31 months old.

I was also going to post about our NYE 2008 party, but I guess, that should be tomorrow. The theme was corny - Back to school: remedial lessons. Everyone came in their fricking school U! picture us, mid-30 somethings in our secondary school uniform..... pics are up at facebook, via another friend. I could not be bothered to post it. Lazy.
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