Mar 07, 2007 21:47
today was probably the most eventful day of my life...but not in a good way. at all.
The day started off with me getting up and getting patti her bday present cuz its her bday today. then going to school.
during math class stephanie told me that her dad foudn out that she isnt graduating this year so she cant go to christina aguilera. which resulted in me getting angry and not talking to her for the rest of class.
For the rest of school i didnt really do anything else that was out of the oridnary.
Then went to the career symposium and steph had the idea of going to the mall so we did. then we got there and ate then she left. we were all there for maybe 40 min.
then jacque, selista, corissa and i all got into morgans car and went back to the thing and checked out then went back to the school so everyone could get there shit then we went and dropped selista off then tried to find some kids that were giving us the finger. Then we had the great idea of driving out to Alexander so we did and got there and needed gas. They had no gas station so we drove to Souris and got gas there then we went to the swinging bridge and went across it twice.
as we were driving back to brandon. we were turning and hit a patch of ice. The car went swirving and we ended up in the ditch. The car got dented one both sides and one of the lights fell out. it was one of the most scariest things of my life. I thought i was going to die. The car was swirving and where i was sitting was headed right for a pole. we hit and went in the ditch. we all thought we had tipped. it was SO scary. no one was hurt bad but 4 trucks had to stop and help get us out.
of course morgan was freaking out and corissa hurt her head. me and jacque were fine but wow it was insane. i thought i was going to die. i still keep seeing it in my head. we got out and drove back to morgans place and her mom drove us all home.
i got home had supper then patti tells me that her and my dad cant afford to be paying for me for anythign anymore. meaning they wont be making checks for china or anythign else. So i have to set up my own checking account and do that. and somehow come up with this months money within the next 2 weeks.
then my dad comes downstairs and tells me that he fucking called stephs house and talked to her and her dad. i FREAKED OUT at him and broke down.
i havent opened my mouth since.
i want to kill myself right now.
i dont even know, im still in shock from the car accident.
school tomorrow is gonna be weird between me and steph. but im going to try and talk to her and find out what my dad said and stuff.
i need a hug.