Spreading Holiday Cheer Dean/Castiel Commentfic Meme
What it is: A low-key commentfic meme where everyone gets to post Dean/Castiel (or Jensen/Misha) prompts they'd like to see a commentfic about, and people comment back with ficlets fulfilling those wishes in the spirit of the holidays. A sort of un-Secret Santa, if you will (though I suppose
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Cas looked up, and for a moment Dean was certain he was about to fly away again when he said "Wait Cas we need to talk".
"About what"? said Castiel.
"Well first off" Dean said bending down to start rolling some snow into a ball "someone needs to teach you how to make a g-rated snowman. Now get down here and help me". Cas complied and soon they had three progressively smaller balls of snow which Dean had Cas help him stack one on top of the other. "Now" he said "this is the fun part you get to decorate the snow man, and since you made snow Dean I'm going to make snow Cas".
"But this looks nothing like me" said Castiel.
"Well no, not yet but just wait. Now give me your trench coat, and your tie."
Castiel looked at him strangely but handed over the requested items. "Okay now grab me a couple sticks from under that tree over there".
Castiel returned with the two sticks, and Dean carefully inserted them into the sleeves of Castiel's trench coat before sticking them into the snowman, he then wrapped the tie around the snowman neck.
"Now go get me a handful of rocks" when Cas brought him the rocks Dean used then to makes eyes a nose and a mouth.
"Now" said Dean stepping back to get a good look at his handy work "that is one handsome looking snowman"
"But Dean, I don't understand it still looks nothing like me" stated a perplexed Castiel.
"Of course not he's nowhere near as sexy as you are" Dean said pulling the startled angel into a kiss.
Dean knew he was taking a huge gamble, either Castiel totally wanted this, or Dean was about to get himself smited. He was relieved though when he felt the angel awkwardly begin to respond. Deepening the kiss Dean was reward by the sound of the angel moaning his approval as he pulled Dean closer to him.
Dean wasn't sure how long they spent standing there beside Snow Cas kissing, but when they finally came up for air it was to the sound of claps and wolf whistles. Dean made a mental note to thank Sam and Bobby for forcing him to face his feeling for Cas. Of course that didn't mean he wasn't still gonna put some itching powder in Sam's underwear. Pranking Sam could wait though because he had more important things to do like teaching Cas how to make snow angels and other more pleasurable things.
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