2015 Writing Year in Review

Jan 03, 2016 04:31

Writing year in review: I wrote approximately 180,000 words this year. Compared to:
2014 - forgot to finish my year in review, but from what I recall it was around 160-170,000 words written
2013 - 210,000
2012 - 150,000
2011 - 190,000
2010 - 166,000

My fiction posted in 2015:
There's got to be a morning after AKA Sex Bucketlist fic - 145,000 - I finished one of my long running WIPs! At long last! And then wrote a bunch of codas for it. Technically only wrote the last 20,000 words of it in 2015, maybe less.
May I have the next dream with you - 2000 - Sex Bucketlist coda inspired by motetus' art
Put the Kettle on - 500 - Sex Bucketlist coda inspired by motetus' art
War & Peace - 8200 - infamous threesome coda to Sex Bucketlist
Avoid the Pork - 885 words - coda in Sex Bucket list universe

Wrote and submitted my first original short to Shousetsu Bang Bang! The Funambulist -3000 words - with art by beili

Evening Surrender to a Scoundrel - 1550 - inspired by motetus art
Man versus Nature - 4500 - written for i_reversebang & inspired by motetus art
Changes - 1500 - mpreg Walrus selkie coda inspired by motetus' art
Man Overboard - 2200 - written for i_reversebang & inspired by marourin's art
World's End - 500 words - written for ae_ldws
Miscellaneous ficlets for ae_ldws rounds (maybe 1000 words, total)
= approximately 46,000 words posted

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
About what I predicted, though I posted a smaller percentage of it than I usually do. Probably due to my work on WIPs (specifically Gangstermoll, but a few others as well).

What's your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
There's got to be a morning after. Beyond the tremendous satisfaction of having finished a 100k+ work in progress, I'm happy with how the characters grew and surpassed my original vision for them. Arthur & Eames' relationship evolved and deepened in ways I didn't expect, and it made me happy to be able to write the happy end they'd earned. Plus, the codas are fun.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote a threesome for the first time in War & Peace, which was interesting. I liked it, mostly because it's the least sexy and most antagonistic threesome ever. So fascinating to get to study all the relationships and characters involved in that way.

Also submitted to SSBB an original fic! It's only the third or fourth one I've completed, and I'm quite proud of how it turned out. It's not a blaze of glory, but it's a good start.

Wrote a lot of stories based on art this year, which is an interesting pattern I hadn't noticed before now.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Now that Sex Bucketlist is done, it's time to turn my full focus onto Gangstermoll, AKA This Thing of Ours. It's structurally the most complex out of all my WIPs, which is a large factor in its slowness, but I wrote some recaps of what happened in previous Acts & am getting good forward momentum on what's coming up.

May try to submit another story for bb_shousetsu. Am considering it for an upcoming issue 'Some Assembly Required'.

My Best Story of the Year
Sex Bucketlist, probably. It's a novel, it's got depth, and characters, and a full universe I've established. I'm still quite pleased with it and will be for a while yet.

Story Most Under appreciated by the Universe in My Opinion
Inception fandom is so quiet these days, especially on LJ, that it's hard to really call out anyting as underappreciated.

Most Fun Story
Writing in the Amuse-Bouche universe is always fun, so maybe 'Moderately Sparkly'.

Most Sexy Story
Sex Bucketlist. The sex definitely ramped up and improved towards the end of the story, which was by design :)

Hardest Story to Write
Gangstermoll, as the fact that I haven't posted anything new from it might reveal (despite having worked on it quite a bit this past year).

Biggest Surprise
Sex Bucketlist. The life that the characters ultimately took on did surprise me and surpass my hopes. Not just the Arthur/Eames relationship, but also the relationship between Eames & Tansy, and also the other women in his life.

year in review, memes, writing, inception

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