Writing meme & WIPs

Mar 13, 2015 00:29

List of WIPs I'm currently working on:
-kink meme idea wherein Arthur & Eames' projections romance each other
-Sex Bucket List coda - threesome with Sudheer
-Gangbang coda set in the Stay, Thou art so beautiful universe
-Amuse Bouche codas including wedding and meeting the family

1. What are some writing tics that persist in your work but that you dislike?

The tendency to overuse the words 'just' and 'only'. I always have to review my work and edit out 99% of my uses of those words.

Reading my older work, I do notice some recycling of dialogue or specific turns of phrase. But given that I've written literally hundreds of thousands of words, a little reuse doesn't bother me too much.

2. What does your id want? Do you ever give in?

I enjoy reading stories that cater to my id, which are pretty rare in fandom. I never really have any desire to write them. Reading my own sex scenes usually isn't as fun as reading sex scenes other people have written. Same with anything else my id enjoys.

3. You have to erase one of your fics from existence forever. Which one and why?

Probably my earliest works in Popslash. I was still learning how to write then, so they were filled with dubious SPAG, characterization, bad writing, etc.

4. How much do you trust the reader?

Quite a bit. In some of my stories I make the reader work for it when reading, which usually filters out a lot of the less dedicated/interested readers. The ones who remain hopefully get a lot out of my writing, because they put a lot into it.

5. Have you ever written anything you would’ve backclicked if it’d been written by anyone else?

Yes, quite a bit of my early work. Honestly, most of the work in the first ten years I spent writing was bad to mediocre.

Some of the ideas were interesting, but most of the execution was pretty poor. The worst part of it was that I could tell that the execution wasn't living up to the great idea, even back then. Very frustrating. Now I find myself pleasantly surprised by execution that lives up to my expectations, and sometimes exceeds them.

6. What’s your guilty pleasure as a writer?

Is there anything I enjoy writing that I feel guilty about? Not particularly. Anything I enjoy reading that I could characterize as a guilty pleasure--I suppose.

7. Be honest: are you mean to your faves, or do you go easy on them?

I'm brutal to my faves. It's rough, existing in my stories. You never know what might happen. Probably the worst thing that could happen.

8. What parts of writing a fic do you think are a chore?

Dialogue is my first love as a writer and sometimes my crutch. It's gotten easier for me to write scenes without dialogue over the years, but they're still not what come to me most naturally.

9. Are there any unintentional trends in your writing?

They tend to track themes I am interested in exploring at particular junctions in my life. Otherwise, I try to keep writing new and interesting (to me) things. Perhaps a longtime reader might be more qualified to point out trends they've noticed.

10. Have you ever intentionally written a character as OOC to fit with a kink/prompt/story idea?

I guess the closest to that would be AUs like Amuse-Bouche, but I do try to find a connecting thread between their Inception canon persona and their characterization in the AU. Some quality they both possess.

memes, writing

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