Writing year in review meme - 2013 part I

Dec 27, 2013 02:17

My yearly fandom writing in review meme for 2013. This is the first half, second half to come in a few days.

Story roundup for 2012:
Unravel (Inception Bang) - 15,000 words
Stay, thou art so beautiful (Inception Bang) - 17,000 words
Lucky Socks (Amuse-Bouche Coda) - 4000
Eamester 4 Life (Amuse-Bouche Coda) - 2800
Welcome Home (Amuse-Bouche Coda) - 1800
Expectations (based on art by motetus) - 800
Hop On (based on art by motetus) - 1200
Safe House (based on art by motetus) - 400
Holiday Filth (based on art by motetus) - 1100
Tickle Time - 1700

King & Arthur (based on Inception Kink Meme prompt) - 1000
Verity (Inception Reverse Bang) - 4500
Proteus (Inception Reverse Bang) - 3200
Après-ski (Inception Reverse Bang) - 4000
A Yellow Wood (Inception Reverse Bang) - 3200
Woo (Inception Reverse Bang) - 3300

WIP parts:
This Thing of Ours - 10,000
There's got to be a morning after - 20,000

= 95,000 worth of fic posted, over 210,000 words written (drafts and so forth)

Fanfic year in review meme: (Part 1)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
About the same. I have about 92,200 posted words, which is less than 150,000 the year before (2012), and 190,000 (2011) and 166,000 (2010).

Once again, however, I've written more words in drafts and unposted chapters of WIPs and so forth.

Have not finished This Thing of Ours, but am making serious progress on it and the Sex Bucket List fic (There's got to be a morning after). Both are making slow but steady progress towards completion.

This was actually a pretty one fandom year for me. No new fandoms have struck my fancy, so I've just been working on Inception and existing WIPs. I did write gen, so I guess there's that.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?

I am incredibly happy with how Stay, thou art so beautiful came out, and it was such an utter joy to work with motetus on that project. The art is so beautiful and was incredibly inspirational to me as I wrote, so overall, just very pleased with it all.

I also really enjoy returning to writing horror. It's been a while since I've had an opportunity to (horror was something I found I enjoyed writing in SPN, surprisingly enough).

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Stay, thou art so beautiful was a return to horror, and a bit of a moral cautionary tale, which was fun to experiment with.

I wrote a lot of fun Amuse-Bouche codas, as well as ficlets based off of art and shorts for Inception Reverse Bang. It's been good experimenting with shorter form and smaller ideas in between writing my long, expansive novel chapters.

I wrote a space bounty hunter story, Verity, which was my ode to David Mamet style plays, with tight, taut dialogue and twisting conflict/power dynamics between Arthur & Eames.

I have learned that: I love playing in different genres I've never worked with before. Writing novels is a marathon, not a sprint. I can do short stories as long as I keep the ideas short and tight. These aren't new lessons, but have been reinforced this year.

Something I have learned how to do is estimate word counts better. I used to be atrocious at it, now I'm merely bad. Progress!

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I didn't quite reach my getyourwordsout word count goal of 250,000 words this year, but I'll be participating again in the next year and hope to meet it in 2014.

Finish Gangstermoll. Finish the Sex Bucket List fic. Finish Until January. Finish my first sci fi original short story/novella. (Same as last year, but progress is being made!)

year in review, memes, writing

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