a multitude of moments

Oct 29, 2009 23:50

Today, planting trees with kids at a public housing development in south Baltimore.

Me: [breaking up hard soil with a pick]
Little Boy: You're strong for just being a girl!
Me: [swing, grunt] Girls can be just as strong as boys, honey.

Adult Volunteer: Tell her what you named your tree, kids.
Me: Oh, what did you name your tree?
Little Girl #1: Hope!
Me: That's a wonderful name! Hope. :)
Little Girl #2: What does "hope" mean?
Me: [omg, so freaking poignant] ...it means believing that things are going to get better.
Little Girl #2: :)

Little Girl #3 Who Has Insisted on Driving With Me in the Truck: Is this your truck?
Me: No, it belongs to my work.
Little Girl #3 Who Has Insisted Etc: I want to be like you some day!
Me: [damn, I wish I had time to talk to her more, but I need to get this mulch over there and check on those kids and drop off this tree] You definitely can be, honey.

I spend so little time with them and each one of them so wants attention and instruction and to be important. It makes me want to take or make a job where I'd be with them three times a week, being their mentor, learning about their lives and helping. I don't know that I'm cut out for that sort of job -- I can deal with kids in the short-term ok, but it's exhausting, and I often feel unsure of how best to relate to them. Maybe someday.
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