Sep 05, 2005 21:29
For a weekend with no shows it still ruled. That spot down by the river was awesome. I saw the Northern Lights for the first time and they looked even cooler after I polished off that bottle of wine. I was a little bummed out that my boy was supposedly in Pine Falls but then ended up showing up at the house after Jen and I were ripped off by the cabby on the way home. I've concluded that trying to operate electrical appliances when you're drunk is very confusing.
Some how on saturday night we ended up with a party on the porch...and a lot of empties. But I purchased a nifty broom from Canadian Tire and swept it down. There was so much shit on that porch I swear I swept out a small dog. Sunday, my boy and I went on a mission to find the apparatus for our soon-to-be fire pit. After we found everything we decided it was too much work in one day to even attempt to start building a bunch of us ended up at garbage hill eating some very scrumptious burgs by a wicked bonfire. That night ended with a crazy thunderstorm.
And today I gotta watch my boy do some bmx at the St.Vital skate park. I was scoping out the ramps but was a little too intimidated to even bring out my board. Besides, I like watching him. ;P He makes me smile.
I start school on Wednesday and am more nervous than excited. I'm more so dreading the crowded hallways and people staring at me making me anxious and uncomfortable. I just keep telling myself that next year I can take the interesting courses - so long as I can bare the first year. :/
2 more months until Quagmire records.