
Mar 02, 2007 12:29

i think for the first time ever i actually feel offended by other people's actions. not to mention embarrassed to be on this campus.
normally i just don't care what other people do.
i don't care that the student body at this university dedicates an entire day to drinking, i don't care if all those people are wearing green, and i don't care if they hurt themselves because they are drunken fools.

but to equate binge drinking and disruptive behavior to a single ethnic group is not acceptable.
some real classy bastards decided to make their unofficial t-shirts dedicated to the recently retired, and offensive, chief illiniwek. but those morons really put the pepper on the nacho, yes that's my little version of "icing on the cake", by combining 2 racially offensive images. it was the chief, head-dress and all, but with an orange beard, no shirt, and a clover tattoo on his arm with a little poem to effect of "the chief is dead, but honor our tradition with your liver and your brain". those witty bastards even made it rhyme.

if this day wasn't so racist, i would not care. if people just had "Wear a green shirt and get really drunk" day, that would be just fine with me. but that's not what this is. the university is too focused on arresting underage drinkers that they are overlooking a very common problem in this society. it's no more acceptable to say "drink 'til you're irish" than it is to say "eat fried chicken 'til you're black" or "have babies until you're mexican". just because drinking is seen as a fun thing to do does not make it any more okay to equate it with one single group of people. and just because irish people are mostly white does not make it any less offensive.

and to the girl that almost got run over by the bus this morning because you were drunk at 8:15, that is why you don't chase moving vehicles. moron.
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