Dec 28, 2008 00:02
Look! An icon that I haven't used very often! :D
I played Tales of Vesperia for the first time today. The XBox came preloaded with some demos and my mom and brother were totally into Lego Star Wars, so they had to make an emergency game store trip. I was left alone with the XBox and decided to put it in.
Namco Bandai never disappoints! It's absolutely beautiful. If you have an XBox and like RPGs, you should go pick up a copy, because it's awesome. I'm not very far in yet, but I can tell this storyline's gonna be a good one. As far as I know, all the Tales games have good stories. I mean, if Mel hadn't spoiled me with Tales of the Abyss, I would have never seen any of that coming. I probably would have thought Luke and Asch were twins or some shit, not what they really are.
Anyway! The voice acting is, as usual, great. I can't really tell who Yuri's actor is, though he sounds familiar. A few VAs pop up again, and it's nice to see/hear them sticking with the franchise. I can't tell if I'm going to end up hating Estelle right now, but I do love Rapede the dogthing. It's kind of weird to have three party members right off, but I'm not complaining!
tales of vesperia,