Just a couple things.
So. The World Ends With You fandom. Sit. We need to chat. WRRRYYYY IS MOST OF THE YAOI JOSHUAXNEKU?! I ship Beat and Neku, or Neku and Shiki, and you make life hard for me! The fandom is small enough as it is! (Please, oh gods, get bigger. PLEASE.) You make me sad. I'll see you later ;)
So I kept hearing about Vocaloids and Hatsune Miku, so I looked it up. THEY ARE AWESOOMMEE. My favorite right now is Kaito, who looks what I would probably look like as an idol. XD Anyway, they're really neat! AND CUTE. Basically, a Vocaloid is a computer program for making music that provides the voice. It's really more or less the mascot of a particular edition of the program. (e.g., Kaito is the "older brother" because he was one of the first, as opposed to "little sister" Miku) Miku and the second gens sound just. Like. A real singer. Kaito and Meiko sound less human, but are still freaking awesome.