On living in Philadelphia...

Feb 23, 2007 11:44

I saw someone had posted the YouTube video of Nora, the piano playing cat, on a friend's blog and I was struck again by the great good fortune I have to live where I do in Philadelphia. Betsy and Burnell live just around the corner, and though I only know them from the block parties I can attest that they are delightful people. They are, of course, different, but in our neighborhood that is the norm.

We bought this house in a rush, our dog was very ill and we were living in an eighth floor apartment having only been in the city a few weeks. The house was near the river and the dog park, so that was good enough. All the loved ones who watch over us must have been working overtime because we could not have picked a better place.

I was at a bit of a loss at first to get to know anyone, caring for Charlie took up a lot of time but I needed company. I had seen this very interesting looking couple walking past my house at midday fairly frequently, so guessed they were going to lunch. The woman was very striking, about six feet tall, long, unruly, grey hair, wild clothing. The man on the other hand was about 5ft, very dapper and extremely well groomed. Needless to say I was immensely curious, and totally fascinated by them, so One day I just sat on the steps outside my house and when they walked past I asked if I could join them. They very graciously said yes, and thus started two wonderful friendships with the most interesting, well read and fun people. TThrough them I met their partners, also enchanting characters, and so on and so on.

I have a friend who is a belly dancing, eastern drum playing rabbi, I have a friend who has enlightened my understanding of the gay world by telling me (at great length...) the story of his journey, I have a friend who is a doctor at the VA hospital, a friend who writes opinions for judges, a friend who understands Philly politics (no easy thing!) a friend who is a research chemist. We share the love of books, good conversation, good food and they teach me so many things I would never have even thought about if it wasn't for them.

This neighborhood is filled with different people, and that is a wonderful thing. We have our share of norms, naturally, but they pale into the background, their blandness just a counterpoint to shining glory of weird.

I have written before about the wonderful friends I have on the internet, and I gleefully hoard you all in my store of weird. On my bad days I take you out and gloat over you like the treasures you all are.

I know you are all probably amazed and exhausted by my unusually huge post, so I will give you respite by posting Nora's little movie in case you haven't seen it. Meet a neighbor from my hood...

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