Feb 29, 2004 18:29
Gina, it's on the NYT website, you need to register but it's free.
Just look at this paragraph:-
'Any serious romantic prospect was promptly shot or shipped out of town. If it seems a little cheap to suggest that cop shows have a gay subtext, this one made it unavoidable: the two California detectives were forever stripping to jogging shorts, unbuttoning disco shirts and, on one notable occasion, entering a sauna clothed in only skimpy yellow towels accessorized with holsters. When Starsky is shot, Hutch cradles him pietà-style, wrapping him tenderly in a red-and-white checked tablecloth. Starsky jokes bravely: "Don't let me fool you! I played Camille in high school." It's the gayest scene outside Middle Earth. '
What more can I say???