meme: 20 random facts about me

Apr 08, 2006 13:32

Okay, I really am getting some work done, I swear...

1. Even before I was a vegetarian, I never ate seafood of any kind. I just don't like it.

2. I like to stay to the very end of the credits at movies.

3. When I was about 8, I told my Mom that I wanted the flower girl at my wedding to scatter bleeding hearts up the aisle, because they were my favorite flowers.

4. I am afraid of moths. And butterflies that look like moths. And those weird stinkbugs that fly like drunken moths.

5. I didn't go into a bar until 3 months after my 18th birthday.

6. When I was 12, one of our goats head-butted me and I fell over backwards and broke my arm on the frozen, early spring ground.

7. I used to want to be a scientist because I was so interested in chemistry. I've since learned it was only an interest I want to cultivate as a hobby.

8. I decided to take Women's Studies as my degree because I didn't know what else to take. I had no idea what I was getting into. At the first university I went to, there were no first year women's studies courses, so I couldn't take any until my second year.

9. Teriaki steak used to be my favorite food, but I don't miss it at all.

10. I used to buy junk food and hide it in my room because I knew my Mom wouldn't let me eat all of it at once, and when she caught on she thought I had an eating disorder because I was hiding food.

11. When I was 14 I got an in-school suspension (where you still have to come to school, but you do your work in a room by yourself and you have to take breaks at a different time from all the other students--it was quite nice) for punching a guy in the head. The vice-principal said that the guy had a crush on me and I should just try to ignore it.

12. In junior high I specified that I wanted to take shop class instead of home ec. but I got put in home ec. anyway. I later heard a rumour that they admitted boys to shop class first, then filled in any leftover spots with girls who had applied, but for home ec. they admitted students on a first-come first-served basis, regardless of gender. I was furious. My mom asked if it was because I wanted to be around all the boys. In high school I took auto mechanics and electronics, but I never really loved either of them (although I do have a strobe light and the ability to change a tire to show for it).

13. My dad is an engineer, and until I was about 7 I thought that meant he drove a train.

14. My family is Christian, and we grew up going to church off and on: sometimes we would go every week, sometimes only at Christmas. When I was 14 I decided for the first time that I wanted to be involved with the church, and I started going every week even if the rest of my family wouldn't. I read the bible, volunteered to usher and read call and response prayers, and went to youth group. The reason I got out of church life was that about a year later I started going out with my first boyfriend, and I resented the idea that I wasn't supposed to have sex until I was married. Nope, I wanted to have sex now without feeling guilty. I spent too many sunday mornings in church thinking about what I'd been doing the night before that was making me all tingly. The two worlds seemed at odds to each other and I abandoned faith for sex. I'm not sorry, although now that I've had a bit of an education in how the bible was edited for the political interests of some men, I think it's possible to be both Christian and a big old queer slut. I'm glad I did all that bible reading though: it's really helpful in understanding a lot of literature and everyday ideas in secular society that evolved out of religious ones.

15. I know a lot of people who are unhappy with their given names, but I have always liked mine. (This is probably because my parents didn't name me after anyone: they just picked a name they liked.)

16. I was born with red hair, but it fell out and I've been blonde ever since.

17. My least favorite household chore is sweeping.

18. I've always wanted to shave my head, but I've never done it.

19. I've never had any cavaties, even though I'm pretty lax about dental hygeine. I have had wisdom teeth removed, though.

20. I bring a book with me everywhere, even if I know I won't have time to read it. I feel lost without one.


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