This is more for me to help keep track of everything. Since well, until recently rewatching the show, I had forgotten about how much stuff Harley actually carries around with her ^.^' But alas, this is also an attempt to keep this newbie rper from godmodding, because that certainly would be no fun.
This is also for other players to maybe get a better idea of what they're dealing with when it comes to Harley :D She can be a violent one.
So what kinds of clown-themed weapons is Harley familiar with?
Joker Grenades - Grenades decorated in the likeness of Harley's Mr. J, but otherwise, just your average grenade. Meant to be used for long range offense. While she'll often carry a lot of these at a time, there is a limited number.
If there happens to be some around, Harley might hide some of these inside pies.
Mallet - A wooden mallet with a short handle of reasonable length but a rather large head. (About the size of a person's head maybe). Harley is capable of yielding this effectively with either one hand or two.
Boxing Glove Gun - Well... it's sort of hard to describe this if you haven't seen the show, maybe >>; Basically, you have a boxing glove at one end, and then a metal contraption on the other that resembles a gun. When Harley pulls the trigger, a metal apparatus stretches out to propel the boxing glove into whatever it was she desired to hit. The apparatus then collapses, snapping the glove back to its original position. It's a bit of a long range weapon (can maybe hit people up to ten or fifteen feet away) and can knock out on first impact. However, it's a bit of a cumbersome weapon that cannot be used too quickly in sequence.
Pop Gun - It looks like a toy gun with a ridiculously wide barrel. It even has a little cork in it! But alas, not all is as it seems. Although it is in essence a pop gun, it can also shoot out confetti and smoke that's hidden behind the cork, giving Harley a decent distraction to pull out if she needs to make a break. It is a one use item though, until Harley has the time to reload it.
Because the barrel is so wide, she can also load it up with other short, cylindrical containers to create all sorts of dust clouds. But unless otherwise stated, she won't have these on hand.
Gag Gun - The infamous gun that only pops out a "rat-ta-ta-tat" flag. Looks like a pistol and is used for bluffing/messing with the opponent/getting mixed up with real guns for comedic moments.
Rubber Chicken - Rubber chicken? Or rubber chicken with brick? Like the mallet, but a little more silly.
I think this pretty much covers Harley's weapons for now. Any more and it'd be a bit ridiculous.
Just letting it be known that she can fire a bazooka (not sure if there are any bazookas in Somarium just yet) and she also likes water balloons (not sure if there are any of those either >>; ).