Fic: Suitors (Chapter 8: The Longest Night Part IV)

May 06, 2012 06:05

Title: Suitors - (Chapter 08: The Longest Night Part IV)
Author: batty_gal a.k.a Tetra26
Rating: T
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Pairing: Wolfram x ???
Word Count: 6946
Fic Type: Ongoing
Fic Summary: After Wolfram ended his engagement in a fit of rage, suitors from all around started to flock to the castle to seek his hand - much to Gwendal's dismay. Who will capture his heart? A random noble? Murata? Yozak? And, what about Yuuri? Sequel to 1 Up.

Chapter Summary: The longest night ends as Wolfram gets rescued from Herschel, Elizabeth snaps, and a rather heated conversation between two insecure young men leaves them both more hurt than angry.

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Prequel: 1 Up: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | End

Suitors - Chapter 08: The Longest Night Part IV

Wolfram had to get out of Herschel's grip fast - and follow that meddling King Saralegui, who had approached Yuuri and Elizabeth. There was no telling what someone with such a venomous way of words would say in such a situation.

“Listen, Herschel, I'm kind of busy at the moment. I'll... talk to you later,” he said, about to turn and walk off.

Herschel grasped him by his upper arm, quickly. “But Wolf, we haven't spent any time together since I hit town. I know you're here with a date, but can I at least get some of your time? And, maybe more than that.”

“I'm sorry, I have to go-”

Just then, Herschel pulled him into his arms. “I don't want you to go, yet. Let's dance. Or, better yet, let's skip to the good part.”

Boldly, and uncaring of the fact that Wolfram had shown up with a date, Herschel moved in to kiss Wolfram on the lips. Wolfram stood, stock still, unable to move or think fast enough to get out of it. Luckily enough, just Herschel's lips were about to touch his, Wolfram was violently yanked away from him.

“Go kick rocks, Von Voltaire. Wolfram isn't interested in what you have to offer,” Kord von Karbelnikoff said.

Wolfram sighed in relief. Saved - at least for the moment. He had no doubt, however, that his savior had essentially the same motives that Herschel and the others in the room had, though.

“How about you not interrupt, and go back to singing your little songs?” Herschel said.

“How about I make a fire, and you walk into it and die?” Kord shot back.

To an outsider who did not know Kord all that well and judged him by appearances, it seemed an unlikely thing for such a refined young man as him to say. But Wolfram knew him personally - they had known each other since childhood, and had trained in the military together in the same unit in their late sixties. Underneath the facade he put on due to his mother, there was a temperament quite similar to his own.

“I guess even the most beautiful and delicate flower such as yourself can have the most poisonous stems,” Herschel said.

“What kind of idiom is that, you fool?” Kord asked, tilting his head in confusion. “You know what? Never mind. Besides, I only look delicate, but I'm a lot stronger and competent than you'll ever be.”

Wolfram watched as Herschel tossed back his head and laughed, as if it were the most hilarious thing he had ever heard.

“It's kind of hard to take that seriously from someone who's wearing that outfit,” Herschel gasped between laughs.

“As I told you earlier when you made such a big deal about it, it's the Tenor's Dressing! It's not something I would wear outside of performing!”

“Oh, please. You would if your mother told you to. You'll do anything that Mommy asks of you,” Herschel teased.

“Shut up! At least my mother cares about me. Where's yours? Oh, that's right!” Kord said, snapping his fingers. “She's busy fawning over your older, more responsible, and smarter brother! Meanwhile, poor incompetent Herschel is left here in the dust, disowned and abandoned.”

As much as Wolfram disliked Herschel, even he thought the comment was harsh as he noted how - for the first time he could ever remember seeing - even Herschel was shook. It did not help that it hit a raw nerve within himself, as their bickering reminded him of his own with Saralegui.

“I'm a survivor, Von Karbelnikoff. I'll find a way to stand on my own two feet, and live my life as I please,” Herschel said, angrily. “Can you say the same? Or will your mother run your life forever? At least your sister has the sense to put her foot down. I can see who wears the pants between you two.”

“Let's not talk about someone wearing pants. I heard you got so drunk in Rochefort that you were dancing in the town square without any of them. I also heard there was nothing spectacular about your dancing, or anything else.”

“That's only because it was cold and snowing. Of course one can't make good fireworks in the cold rain. Catch me on a warm sunny day and we'll see how spectacular I can get. That is, if you can get away from Mommy long enough.”

“No thanks, there's no telling what kinds of germs are on that overused toothpick of yours. My body is pure and clean, and I intend on keeping it that way until someone who is absolutely not you comes along. In the meanwhile, I saw a few mules on the way here. Surely one of those will stand still long enough for you to have a little fun. After all, I hear you don't discriminate.”

Wolfram watched the two bicker with amusement, unable to control the smile that crept onto his face. Watching them bicker was showing him different sides of them. This was the real Herschel von Voltaire - a playboy who was unwilling to live by the rigid rules set by his family, so much so that he would rather walk away from it all and mark his own path. He was a high contrast to Kord von Karbelnikoff, the man who let his mother dominate him and his every action - but still a man who had a feisty side of him that he held back from showing most people.

Even though they resented each other, they complemented each other very well. Sure, they were nothing alike - Herschel underperformed on purpose, while Kord overperformed in order to make up for something Wolfram was sure he understood more than anybody. Kord - just like him - had people underestimate and judge him based on his perceived delicateness.

He bit his lip when he remembered how harshly he had judged and taunted Saralegui about his own physical features during the times they exchanged letters. Whereas Kord and Herschel were nothing alike, Wolfram and Saralegui had a lot in common, even though they resented each other.

So that was what he and Saralegui probably looked like from an outsider's point of view? Was this why his mother was convinced that they had some sort of chemistry with each other? Saralegui evoked some sort of feelings in him, but he was not sure what they were - nor was he sure he wanted to find out.

Just then, he remembered that he had been intending to follow Saralegui before he was distracted by Herschel and Kord, and gasped loudly.

“I'll see you two later!” he blurted out.

“Wait, Wolfram - I wanted to talk with you,” Kord cried out.

“Sorry, later! Write me a letter, sometime!” Wolfram said as he turned to run off.

He looked over through the crowd to where Yuuri had been standing with Elizabeth, and sighed with relief that they were still in the same spot. As quickly as his relief had come, it dissipated once he took in that Saralegui was there and speaking to them, and the look on Elizabeth's face said it all.

He had to get to them, quickly.

With every step Saralegui took toward him, Yuuri's chest grew heavier with dread.

For starters, he was still quite ashamed of his actions at Saralegui's castle. Though he had apologized profusely afterward, things had seemed unsettled between them.

In fact, the entire event still seemed surreal - and often he found himself thinking about it and the events that had led up to it.

Especially the fear he had held about Wolfram actually wanting to be with Saralegui - which in retrospect might be because of his own confusing feelings on the matter.

And his feelings were very confusing.

Just two hours prior, he had acknowledged to himself that he did find men somewhat attractive, with Wolfram being the strongest example. However, he had always found women to be attractive, and the more he talked with Elizabeth, the more attracted he became to her.

Yet, he was suspicious of both of the sudden attractions - because he felt something was underlying beneath both of them. Something that had nothing to do with love or lust or any of those positive emotions, but of a negative one that was unrelated altogether. And somehow, the person walking toward him underlined that negative feeling even more.

“Yuuri, it's been awhile!” Saralegui said, upon reaching him.

Yuuri had not missed Wolfram's expressions while he danced with Saralegui, and he figured that they must have exchanged a few choice words during their dance. He drained the rest of what had to have been his sixth glass of wine, before speaking.

“Sara, it's good to see you again,” he said, politely. It wasn't a lie; he did consider Saralegui to be a friend. It was just that the war between Saralegui and Wolfram had left him wary of Saralegui - and of Wolfram also, to a far lesser extent. “This is Elizabeth,” Yuuri said, motioning to where she stood beside him, taking in the newcomer. “Elizabeth, this is King Saralegui of Small Shimaron.”

“Hello, Your Majesty,” she said, nodding.

“It's nice to meet you,” Saralegui said, nodding back.

Yuuri glanced at Saralegui's face, and noticed that he was studying Elizabeth rather intensely. He hoped that Saralegui would do nothing to start anything.

“So, you are the Elizabeth that Wolfram engaged himself to once, right?” Saralegui asked.

“Ah, yes, but that was so long ago! Also, it was an accident,” she said, quickly.

“Accidental like Yuuri engaging himself to Wolfram, right?” Saralegui said, his voice neutral.

All of Yuuri's hopes went flying out of the window. He imagined himself crying tears of loss as he waved goodbye to flying moneybags with wings, labeled “Hope”.

“I, uh, suppose?” she said.

“What does that matter? It's old news, in the past, all of it,” Yuuri said, hoping to diffuse anything that might be starting up. Elizabeth was already starting to look rather uncomfortable to him.

“Maybe it's old news to you, Yuuri, who never took that little accident seriously, and the same to Wolfram, who seems to be moving on, but what about you, Elizabeth? Is it old new to you?”

“I... yes. It's old news,” she said, laughing nervously. “It was all a mistake, after all.”

“A mistake you took seriously for many decades, right? It must have been crushing for you. My heart goes out to you.”

“Well, I've moved on as well.”

“I see. Are you moving on with Yuuri? I think you two would make an excellent couple,” Saralegui said. “I've long told him that these women who throw themselves at him are only after one thing, but you seem to be different from them. If you are over Wolfram, and Yuuri was never onto him in the first place, I think you two would be well-suited to each other.”

Finally, the reason why he was suspicious of his sudden awareness of feelings for Wolfram, and his sudden interest in Elizabeth, dawned on Yuuri. Wolfram had shown interest in him beyond his status, and Elizabeth wasn't the type to go after someone because of theirs either. He felt safe with the two, because they were not like the people Saralegui mentioned were after him.

In other words, if he acted on any perceived attraction to either Wolfram or Elizabeth or anyone, until he got over his current hangups about the very thing Saralegui mentioned, it would do anyone he even thought of pursuing a disservice.. It would be settling for the safest option - and Wolfram, Elizabeth, or any other person with legitimate interest in him deserved better than that.

Most importantly, he had to admit to himself that he was not quite ready for a real relationship with anyone, status-seeking or not. He was amazed at how all of his newfound perception had come to him in a matter of hours.

It had to be the wine.

“His Majesty and I are not interested in each other like that,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh? Pity. He needs a woman like you,” Saralegui said. “Are you interested in someone else, instead?”

“Currently? No. I'm just spending my time alone right now,” she said.

Yuuri could tell that Saralegui's line of questioning was starting to agitate her, and with Elizabeth being a lot like Wolfram, things could become explosive. And - speaking of Wolfram - Yuuri noticed him pushing his way through the crowd towards them, probably because he had sensed something was wrong. A huge part of him hoped that Wolfram would turn around and ignore it, because there was no telling what the outcome of this whole conversation between Saralegui and Elizabeth would be.

“You know what? Suddenly, I feel like dancing. Elizabeth, would you like to dance?” Yuuri asked, attempting to get her away from Saralegui.

“Yuuri, I suggest you tread carefully. Even though the lady professes to be content alone, I believe she still has feelings for Lord von Bielefeld,” Saralegui said, smiling sweetly at her.

“And you, someone who has known me for all of two minutes, presume that you know my feelings?” Elizabeth shot back.

So much for preventing things from boiling over, Yuuri thought to himself, as Wolfram finally reached them. He had to remove Elizabeth from the situation, because Saralegui versus Wolfram and Elizabeth spelled disaster. He gently took her arm, and winced when he noticed the look that came across Wolfram's face in response to his gesture.

What a situation.

“No, it is just that I am a highly perceptive person,” Saralegui said, turning and noting Wolfram's presence.

Yuuri watched him smirk, and turn back to Elizabeth.

“Though you say it is old news, the look on your face when Wolfram walked up to you said it all,” Saralegui said.

“Sara,” Yuuri warned. He did not feel like potentially breaking up any physical fights. “Please, drop it.”

“What?” Saralegui asked, innocently. “I'm just asking. I really do think you two would make a lovely couple, but as long as she doesn't acknowledge her lingering feelings for Lord von Bielefeld she will never be able to move on-”

It was then that Elizabeth knocked Yuuri's hand aside, and stepped in front of Saralegui. Yuuri watched as she pointed her finger directly at his chest.

“You want me to acknowledge my feelings for Wolfram?” she said, her voice low. “Fine.”

“Elizabeth, don't fall into his trap,” Wolfram said. “You don't have to say anything at all.”

“For almost sixty years, I loved Wolfram. I breathed Wolfram. I imagined the day that we would actually get married,” she said.

“Elizabeth-” Yuuri started.

“When I heard that he had managed to get himself engaged to someone else, I was devastated. When I heard it was the Maou, I was heartbroken. I deceived people into believing that I was interested in Yuuri in order to come here and commit treason, all because I couldn't bear the thought of Wolfram marrying another.”

“Elizabeth, let's go have a drink,” Yuuri pleaded, still trying to get her away from Saralegui. “It will calm your nerves.”

“When I saw that Wolfram really cared for Yuuri, however, I realized that I had lost,” she said, ignoring Yuuri's pleas. “You want to know what I feel about Wolfram? I love Wolfram, and I always will, in a way. But that love is no longer a romantic one, but more of a nostalgic one.”

“Nostalgic love? Please, explain,” Saralegui said.

“Whenever I see Wolfram, I no longer feel desperately in love with him - but I remember what it was like to be in love with him. That excitement of being in love, the hope that he returned my love, and the many dreams I had of us spending our lives together come back to my mind. However, I'm also reminded of the heartbreak I felt upon realizing that none of it would ever be - and it is that which makes me want to tread carefully when it comes to romance.”

“Elizabeth, I'm sorry,” Wolfram said. “I never meant to hurt you that much.”

Yuuri had never seen such a look of agony - of sheer guilt - come across Wolfram's face before as it had during Elizabeth's speech.

“Lord von Bielefeld apologizing to someone? And, he's sincere? I must be dreaming,” Saralegui said, smirking.

“There's no need to apologize, Wolfram. It's not your fault for not loving me. No one is at fault here, because you couldn't make yourself love me, or that I couldn't make myself not fall in love with you, either.”

“Deep. Profound, even,” Saralegui interjected.”You should take note, Wolfram, and realize that this is what you should be saying to Yuuri.”

“As for you, King Saralegui, I am not sure what your game is, but I'm not the one to play it with,” Elizabeth said, her finger still pointed at his chest.

“I was not playing a game with you, I was merely trying to provoke you into acknowledging your feelings for Wolfram. I thought maybe if I did so, you would come to terms with them and see that love did not end with Lord von Bielefeld. I mean, the Maou seems quite interested in you. I was just trying to help you two out.”

“I was not aware I needed a matchmaker,” Elizabeth said. “However, if that's what you truly meant, then thank you but I'll handle my own love life in the future. In the meanwhile, perhaps you should focus on your own?”

She finally dropped her hand, and stepped away from Saralegui.

“Elizabeth, would you really like to leave them alone and get a drink now? I needed another one three minutes ago.”

“Actually, I've stayed long enough. I'm going,” she said. “Goodbye, Wolfram. Yuuri. And, King Saralegui,” she said, nodding curtly.

“I'll walk you out,” Yuuri said to Elizabeth. He needed a breath of fresh air, anyhow.

“I do not need anyone to walk me out,” Elizabeth snapped. “Thanks, anyway,” she added, her tone quite a bit softer.

“Goodbye, Elizabeth. And I hope things work out for you!” Saralegui said, grinning like he had won a huge amount of money.

Something told Yuuri that he had won something that night, even if he were unsure what it was. Something also told him that Elizabeth was far less composed than she put on for Wolfram as he watched her walk off, her mouth trembling.

He briefly wondered if - perhaps - Wolfram put on a brave front for his sake as well. He ignored the impulsive desire in him to see her out anyhow, instead turning to chastise Saralegui for his words. But before he could do so, Wolfram forcefully grabbed Saralegui by the arm.

“If you'll excuse us, Yuuri, King Saralegui and I have a lot to discuss.”

Before he could object, Wolfram yanked Saralegui - who looked so very pleased with himself - further towards the corner of the room.

“What is it with this night?” Yuuri mumbled to himself.

Since there were no people in his proximity walking by with drink trays, Yuuri found himself walking to the closest table with drinks and appetizers, instead. He grabbed yet another glass of the red wine he had come to love in that night, knowing fully well that he was already dangerously teetering towards being drunken.

Just as he was about to take a sip, he noted that Wolfram's date, Kelby Loring, was standing close to the table, staring at where Wolfram had yanked Saralegui to and was holding an intense conversation with him. Yuuri took in the man for a few moments, before throwing all caution to the wind and walking up to him.

“Erm, hello,” Yuuri said. Even to him, it was a rather pathetic way of greeting someone.

He had a feeling he was going to make an ass out of himself in front of such a refined gentleman as Kelby Loring.

“Hello, Your Majesty,” Kelby Loring said.

Yuuri noted that his voice seemed almost amused. Once again, he was feeling rather inadequate in comparison to the man. Yuuri wondered what in the world Wolfram ever saw in him when he could easily pull men like the one in front of him.

“I, um, came in on the middle of your conversation with the others about you and Wolfram. Er, how did you two come to meet?”

“Wolfram never told you where we met? I'm almost hurt, especially since he considers you to be one of his closest friends. After His Highness, of course.”

Wait... Wolfram considered Murata his closest friend instead of him? The idea of that cut Yuuri to the bone, especially since he had not been privy to this knowledge until it came from this man - who he had not known anything about prior to that night.

It bothered him.

“Anyhow, Wolfram and I actually met in the town square during one of those artsy events a while back. I'd known of him, and seen him at a few balls and such, but we'd never talked directly. I was just there, watching a guy do renditions of some dancing children, and noticed he was also standing there. It was cute, the way he was totally entranced by the man's sketches,” Kelby Loring said.

Yuuri did not miss the obvious fondness for Wolfram in his voice, and wondered if Wolfram was just as interested in the man as he seemed to be interested in Wolfram.

“Before I knew it, I found myself striking up a conversation with him over it, and we spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the event together discussing art things,” Kelby continued. “Impulsively, I asked him out the next day, and we ended up spending the rest of that week I was in town together, meeting up at various places. We've kept in touch through letters and things.”

Listening to Kelby Loring's story made Yuuri wonder why Wolfram had never mentioned the man. Weren't they friends? Surely, Wolfram could talk to him about someone he potentially loved.

Just where did he and Wolfram stand?

“Say, what attracts you to Wolfram?” he asked. He wondered if the man had similar answers as he did.

“It's hard to explain, to be honest. I just am? We have a lot in common, yet we have many differences. I actually cherish our differences more than our similar tastes, for some reason. It's like we compliment each other so very well. He has strength in the areas where I'm a bit weak, and the opposite seems to be true as well.”

Now that was something Yuuri never thought he would hear being said about Wolfram. Even more damning, it struck a nerve within him, because Yuuri felt essentially the same way as he did. It also put his skepticism that this man could potentially be like all the other status-hungry men after Wolfram to rest. This man seemed genuine to him.

However, it did nothing to put him at ease overall. If anything, he felt threatened.

“Wolfram is a wonderful guy, but I worry sometimes that I'm not wonderful enough for him. After all, he had you - and coming after you makes me feel mighty inadequate,” Kelby Loring said, his voice filled with sincerity.

It shocked Yuuri that such an astounding man would feel inadequate in comparison to him, especially since he himself felt inept in contrast with Kelby Loring.

“Ah well, there was nothing between me and Wolfram, really! If anything, he moved on to better things,” Yuuri said, before he could catch himself.

Why in the world was he trying to reassure this man?

“Pardon me for being frank, Your Majesty, but even if you say there was nothing between you two, I'm afraid that may have just been on your side. Wolfram sees things quite a bit differently, unfortunately. It's like I'm trying to fight an invisible enemy standing between us sometimes, he's so reserved and wary. I just hope that - one day - Wolfram will love me as much as he loved you,” Kelby said, giving him a small, sad smile. “If you'll excuse me, it's about time for me to exit. I'm going to go tell Wolfram goodnight - and escort him out, perhaps. It was a pleasure talking with you, Your Majesty. I see Wolfram's high opinion of you is most accurate."

“It was nice talking with you as well,” Yuuri said.

In reality, Yuuri wished the conversation had never taken place. It had only served to make him question what he was to Wolfram, what he meant to Wolfram, and where he and Wolfram were going.

As he watched Kelby walk over to where Wolfram stood, he drained his glass of wine and picked up yet another.

Not for the first time since his engagement to Wolfram ended, he felt as if he had lost something important to him. Something that he would never get back.

And as sad and guilty as he felt about it, something inside of him felt an unquenchable anger over it all.

“You are the most rotten person in existence,” Wolfram said, after pulling Saralegui into a corner. “Elizabeth did not deserve such treatment from you! In the future, leave my friends out of our game!”

“You were the first person to bring extras in on our game, Lord von Bielefeld,” Saralegui said, smirking. “Need I remind you of your brother's friend's role?”

“Like Beries had nothing to do with your making me end my engagement,” Wolfram said, glaring at Saralegui.

“He knew about it, he just did not do anything. That was all my work. I don't need any help at defeating you,” Saralegui said.

“I didn't need any help at defeating you! I could have done it all alone, but it just so happens that Yozak saw what you did to me. He wanted to help, I never enlisted anybody,” Wolfram said.

“So he saw me? Hmm, next time I'll have to be even more discreet.”

“There won't be a next time. This ends tonight.”

“Oh, you are conceding? This time, for real?”

“I don't want you using my friends, or upsetting them. I already feel horrible enough about the situation with Elizabeth. She's trying so hard, and the last thing she needs is your big mouth instigating things!”

“Lord von Bielefeld? Actually feeling remorse for something? Between this, and all of your heartfelt apologies tonight, I'm beginning to think I should reassess my beliefs that you are nothing more than a brat.”

“And you aren't one? Causing me to end my engagement was a bratty move! Accosting Elizabeth as you just did was one, as well! You have no right to call me a brat, because you're just as much of one as I am.”

“That's hardly the case,” Saralegui said.

“Oh really? The only difference between us is that I'm a spoiled brat and you are a snooty one.”

“You are both of those.”

“Heh, you're right. I am. But so are you.”

“I'm nothing like you.”

“You're exactly like me. We just give others a different front, is all. At least I'm up front with my brattiness, unlike you who hides it behind sniping and that stupid smirk of yours.”

The more he stood there, talking to his arch enemy, the sicker he got. If he had not felt that way since the prior night, he would have accused Saralegui of pulling another pheromone stunt on him. Either way, between Saralegui's verbal assault of Elizabeth and his guilt over the entire situation with her, and the illness, he needed a breath of fresh air.

“You keep talking as if you hold all the cards in this game tonight. Need I remind you of what I know, and how revealing it could ruin your well-laid plans? Even if you have a backup plan, I would still love to see you even briefly squirm under that much pressure as those eager rats swamp you. It would make you miserable, yes?

“Then do it and savor the moment!” Wolfram snapped.

“I don't think I'll do that, though,” Saralegui said. “Your mother has been so hospitable to me, I may as well return the favor by not humiliating her bratty son.”

“The gesture is appreciated, though I don't know if I can trust your words.”

“Don't worry, I'm serious. In fact, I think I will leave you alone right now. I've had more than enough fun for the night,” Saralegui said.

“At the expense of someone's pain, I might add,” Wolfram grumbled.

“Why do you care so much? Clearly you did not care when she came to fight Yuuri in order to prove how much she loved you.”

“Just shut up.”

“Such a weak spot there for you, isn't it? Probably because - just like her - you are left lying to yourself that you're over something that hurts every single time you even think about it.”

“Shut. Up.”

“Is that all you can respond with, now? Shut up? Oh well,” Saralegui said, patting Wolfram's shoulder. “I guess the truth really can render one speechless. Anyhow, don't worry. There are plenty of people willing to allow you to pretend they are Yuuri in the dark. After all, it's not like they won't be pretending you're more to them than a rise in status.”

Wolfram clutched at his chest, not because the words hurt his feelings, but because there was actual pain there. Whatever it was that had him sick, it was making him worse and spreading from his stomach in the form of hot pain. He closed eyes eyes and grimaced in pain.

“Lo... Lord von Bielefeld. What is wrong with you? You don't look very well,” Saralegui said, suddenly.

“What in Shinou's name do you care for?” Wolfram gritted out.

“I am not a heartless monster, you know.”

“Then quit acting like one and saying the most foul things you can in order to hurt me.”

He opened his eyes, and glared in the face of his nemesis after scanning the crowd to see if they were paying any attention. Luckily enough for him, his mother - who had dragged Murata out on the dance floor and was twirling him around - had most of the others distracted. He noted that Murata looked as sick as he felt.

He also did not miss that briefly - just briefly - there was a look of alarmed concern on Saralegui's face, as well as a brief flash of hurt, before his normal disdainful look returned.

“Well, you must be fine after all. Until next time, Lord von Bielefeld,” Saralegui said.

Wolfram watched wordlessly as Saralegui gave him one final smirk, before spinning on his heels and departing towards his mother - who met his eye and winked at him. He felt even sicker at the idea that is was his mother who had enlisted Saralegui to show up, and caused the entire debacle. He had to get out of that room, with all the noise, and scents, and disconcerting looks of disappointment and greed being shot his way.

He had to get away, and forget Saralegui's hurtful words.

Saralegui berated himself for the umpteenth time that night, as he walked away from Wolfram and toward Lady Cheri, who had just ended her dance with the Sage.

The conversation he had hoped to have with Wolfram had went every way but where he had wanted it to go. Instead, he had insulted him and obviously hurt his feelings as well, as well as went out of his way to hurt Elizabeth's as well. Not only that, Yuuri probably thought less of him.

And his final jab - right before Wolfram had clutched at his chest - had completely crossed the line.

He had been so thrown off balance at Wolfram having someone pretend to be his date, especially considering who it was. Wolfram's mother - upon visiting his castle - had relayed quite a bit of gossip to him, including rumors that he and Yozak had something going on.

And honestly, it bothered him.

Before Wolfram had spotted him, Saralegui had just enough time to view him in Yozak's arms, comfortable and at ease. Smiling up into his face, as if it were nothing. As if whatever connection between them were real.

And that had been before he had figured out who the man was, because Yozak's back was the only thing he could view. When Wolfram had spotted him and started to stalk over, Yozak had turned - and Saralegui had recognized him first as “Kelby Loring” before his memory of Cheri's gushing over Yozak and Wolfram's newfound friendship had caused the clues to fall into place.

Loring had not simply been a random noble who he had run off and away from Wolfram, but a key player in Wolfram's scheme against him. Saralegui had lied to Wolfram when he had had implied that he figured out Yozak was Loring prior to that night. He hadn't. His mind had not even considered it. He had long thought that night he had implied such nasty things about Wolfram, his running Loring off had been the final cause of Wolfram's plotting against him - not an element of Wolfram's plans against him.

And that realization had ticked him off beyond comprehension.

Was there nothing real between them? As much as Saralegui had brooded over their last encounter, he had believed that - at the very least - Wolfram was somewhat interested in him - at least physically. He could not deny his own interests either, nor how ever since their very first encounter had placed Wolfram firmly in his thoughts, dreams, and desires.

And he hated it, because he was not sure if any of it was real. Not the initial kiss, not the flirting between them, not even the passionate moments they shared at his castle.

It was not real between them, and probably never would be.

He turned his attention toward the man he had given a secret signal to upon learning of Wolfram's deceptions, and locked eyes with him. He shook his head, and gave a signal for him to back off from following Yozak around and waiting for his hand signal to pull off Yozak's wig.

He had done enough damage for the night, and maybe - just maybe - the knowledge that Wolfram probably hated him even more than before would finally help him get over it.

Over him.

He approached Lady Cheri, who smiled warmly at him. Saralegui supposed that it was clear on his face that his and Wolfram's talk did not go well at all, for her look of warmness quickly turned to one of concern.

“King Saralegui, are you alright?” she asked.

“I'm fine. It just didn't go well, is all,” he said, quietly. There was something about her that made it easy for him to tell the simple truth to her, and not hide his feelings.

“I swear, you and Wolfram are more alike than you are different,” she said, sighing.

Amazing how her son had essentially said the same thing to him moments prior. “Yes, but there's simply too much baggage between us,” he admitted.

“Only because the both of you are too stubborn to let it go, and neither of you are willing to concede to the other and be honest,” she said.

If it had been any other person, he would have lashed out, insulting her in the silky tone that he reserved for those he disdained the most. Yet, seeing the sheer concern for his wellbeing in her face made that impossible.

Instead, he gave her a half-smile. “I suppose so.” In truth, he was certain that Wolfram had been honest with him when it came to addressing his contempt of him.

For all the things he'd said about no one ever loving Wolfram, the truth was, he had been projecting big time. He had essentially the same problem as Wolfram, being surrounded by greedy suitors who looked at him as a rise in status and not as a man to love unconditionally.

Perhaps he used such words against Wolfram because he could not say them to himself.

“Wolfram,” a soothing voice whispered from behind, its owner gently grasping one of his wrists.


“Do we need to go to another plan?”

“No. He claims he won't be revealing anything tonight, though I'm still wary of him.”

“I think we've had enough for tonight. Care to make our elaborate exit?”

“Let's do so, quickly. I think I'm a few minutes away from having the contents of my stomach exit before I do.”

“Maybe you should have thrown up on him,” Yozak joked.

“His face would have been more than worth every heave and the embarrassment of it all.”

“It's still not too late. Want to go over there and give him a present?”

“I'll pass. But the next time he and I have words, I'll be sure to consider it as an option,” Wolfram said.

Yozak linked his arm with Wolfram's. “Let's exit this fretful place,” he said.

And so, arms linked together, Wolfram and 'Kelby Loring' made their exit from the dwindling ball, both of them giving polite nods to those they passed as they left.

Yozak, wary of Saralegui, wisely directed Wolfram out of the west exit, past where Gwendal was standing with Günter, clearly exasperated over having been cornered yet again by Doris.

Once they were outside, in front of the area where the carriages arrived to drop of their guests, Yozak spoke up.

“I guess we'll split off right here, then,” Yozak said, gently unlinking his arm from Wolfram's. He turned facing Wolfram, and placed his hands on his shoulders.

“Sure. Thanks for everything tonight,” he said, quietly.

“Anytime. Wolfram?”


“Please... use the time we bought you wisely. What I'm saying is, don't let the way some of these people are after you make you believe that there's no one out there with legitimate interest in you..”

“I'll be fine,” he said. “And yes, I'll be using this time wisely.”

He couldn't bring himself to admit to Yozak that his perception of love had already been skewed in that direction, perhaps - especially after Saralegui's words - permanently.

What happened next shocked Wolfram to his core.

Yozak gently took Wolfram's face in his hands, moved in, and lightly kissed his lips. It was a brief kiss, and if it was not for the ghost of a feeling left behind when Yozak pulled away after a few seconds, he would have sworn he had imagined the entire thing.

“I thought it might be a more realistic touch,” Yozak whispered in his ear, before correcting his posture.

To Wolfram, Yozak may as well had been speaking in another language. His mind was still trying to reconcile itself with his lips.

“Goodnight, Wolfram,” Yozak said, patting his shoulder.

Wolfram watched as he turned around, and followed a crowd of people that had passed them by as they eyeballed their kiss, undoubtedly to make it seem as if he were slipping away to where Kelby Loring came from.

After Yozak was out of sight, Wolfram still stood there, unable to move or even think properly. All of his thoughts were jumbled and fragmented.

He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts, and was about to turn when he noticed Conrart standing there, holding up a very ill-looking Murata.

Both of them were looking at him in ways that made him uncomfortable. Conrart looked as if he were pondering something deep, while Murata seemed to look right through him, period - as if he could see that the kiss had left him off-balance.

“That was just his way of making things seem a bit real, is all,” he said, quickly, before either of them could ask anything. “Anyhow, what happened to you? You look as sick as I feel.”

“His Highness got a bit ill in there, unfortunately,” Conrart said.

“It was... most embarrassing,” Murata said. “I tried to make it out in time, but I couldn't. It almost hit Lord Weller, but he moved just in time.

Just the thought of it made him even sicker. “I... I don't feel so good,” Wolfram said.

And just like that, suddenly the sickness he'd had that entire day manifested completely as he leaned over a rail and puked all over the shrubbery below.

What a night, and hopefully one he would never have to repeat ever again.

Author's note: Finally, the longest night is OVER. This has legit been sitting fully-written for almost 2 years. So has the 2 upcoming chapters, though I'll be gutting those. Next chapter: Conrart worries about his brother, Wolfram and Murata are ill, and Yuuri hangs with Gisela for a bit.

kkm:wolfram, fanfic, fic: suitors, is this really necessary?, kkm, kkm:yuuri, fan fiction, fanfic: chaptered, kkm:yozak, kkm:saralegui, fictype: drama

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