Title: Kinks: Killing
Author: Batty_Gal a.k.a Tetra26
Rating: T
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Pairing: Wolfram/???; Murata
Word Count: 100
Fic Type: Drabble; Humor; Crack
Summary: Murata understands Wolfram's obsession.
Notes: This is part five of a series of unconnected drabbles with the same theme: kinks.
Kinks: Killing
Anytime he ruthlessly killed someone, it turned Wolfram on.
The effortless way he cut through his enemies - pausing only to crack tasteless jokes - made Wolfram wish it were possible to push him to the ground and make love to him right there.
Yuuri would never understand it. Neither would his brothers.
Murata understood, however.
He knew why Wolfram was slacking off of his duties. Why he daydreamed and disappeared all the time. He also knew when to show up with another translated graphic novel, after Wolfram's became dog-eared with stuck-together pages.
Murata understood how much Wolfram was obsessed with
Author's note: Okay, it's not REALLY a kink. I just couldn't resist the crack, however. Wolfram x Deadpool = win.