Very out of it right now, so here are today's time wasters. If it doesn't require complex thought (or sentences), then I'm onboard.
Kwiz.Biz is horrible. Memegen stills puts out some good ones. I like this because it labeled me a Mountie.
Taken from
Name: Mountie Mike of the Yukon.
Sex: Male.
Location: Los Angeles.
Religion: In terms of belief: atheist. In terms of logical reasoning: agnostic; I mean, you can't definitively prove that there isn't a higher power.
Height: 6'1".
Shoe Size: 13
Hair color: Black... er "salt & pepper." Damn genes.
Eye color: Blue-gray.
Fears: Spiders. Getting older. Mental deterioration. That there may actually be some form of afterlife. Stupid brainwashing Christian upbringing!
Good qualities about you: My pretty, pretty face. Don't believe me? See the icon.
Bad Qualities about you: Everything that's not my pretty, pretty face.
Have You Ever...
Peed your pants? EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
Cheated on someone? Nope.
Fallen off the bed? Not that I can recall...
Fallen for a relative? That's just gross. Who writes these?
Had plastic surgery? Not yet... Yeah right.
Broke someone`s heart? Not to my knowledge.
Had your heart broken? Nope.
Had a dream come true? Yes. I have modest dreams, though.
Done something you regret? EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
Cheated on a test? Of course. What, did they really expect me to study? If drug addictions are considered "disabilities," laziness should be too.
Broken a body part? Nope.
Wearing? Jeans, boxers, socks, shoes, and a shirt I haven't worn since high school.
Listening to? White Zombie: "Electric Head Pt. 1 (The Agony)"
Eating? Nothing.
Feeling? Out of it.
Reading? This meme thing.
Located? The monitor.
Chatting with? The Voices, who demand that I capitalize the V. Incidentally, they don't like you. Perhaps I've said too much...
Watching? My fingers on the keyboard.
Craving? Money.
Should REALLY be doing? Anything but this. That's what makes it so fun.
Do you...
Brush your teeth? No, but I pee my pants twice a day.
Like anybody? I like dead people.
Have any piercing? Yes. One.
Drive? Not if I can help it.
Believe in Santa Claus? You can keep your heathen gods, thank you very much. I worship the giant Space Dreidel.
Smoke? Not anymore.
Drink? As often as possible.
Got a cellphone? Yes. Makes a handy paperweight.
Who is your best? I have rigorous performance tests on which I qualify the nature of my frie... Fuck you! That's a stupid question. Friendship is friendship, not a damn popularity contest.
Who is the loudest? What? By decibels? Next.
Who is the shyest? Probably The H or Silver Dollar Bob.
Who is the most talkative? Kory.
Who laughs the most? We don't laugh.
Who have you known the longest? Pinto.
Who have you known the shortest? Kegstand. I should be in Colorado right now for his birthday. :(
Who do you miss the most? I don't know.
Who do you turn to for personal problems? Alcohol.
Do you only hang out with a certain type? Well, I tend to be friends with people who are like me...
Do you belong to a crew? I don't work construction, bitch!
Do you hang out with the opposite sex? There was Michelle, but now we live 2,000 miles away. So no, not anymore.
Do you consider yourself POPULAR? Nope.
Do you trust your friends? Yeah.
Are you a good friend? I doubt it.
Can you keep a secret? Sure, I guess.
The last person you...
Hugged? My mom, probably.
Kissed? This girl I met at a party last summer. I don't know her name.
Gave props? I know what this question means, but the phrasing offends me. Therefore, I shall interpret it as "sexual propositions." So yeah, that girl last summer.
Talked to on the phone? My mom.
Yelled at? Probably some random person I drunkenly called out to in Vegas. I don't yell out of anger.
Checked out? Some girl I saw walking down the street today.
Fell in love with? I'll tell ya when it happens.
Tripped On? I don't know what this means.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A filmmaker.
What was the worst day of your life? That's not going in LJ.
What is your most embarrassing story? Ditto.
What has been the best day of your life? It was night actually. I got an e-mail confirming a grade for a class, thereby guaranteeing that I'd graduate and get the fuck out of college. I've never been quite as happy, before or since.
What comes first in your life? Conception. Ha. Get it?
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Nope.
Turn ons? Cute/pretty face. Intelligence.
Turn offs? Trendiness. Conformity. Judgmentalness (Is that a word?). I know that sounds "like, sooo high school," but what can I say, those qualities are often indicative of a deeply flawed personality.
What are you most scared of? See Fears.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Having superpowers, and smashing buildings with my superpowers, and fighting other people with superpowers. Well, it's true...
Did you lose someone you really loved? No.
How many times have you fallen in love? I thought I was in love once. It was a crush. Since then I've been disenchanted with the whole business.
Love your family? I don't know.
Love your friends? Ditto.
Have you fought? What, The Power? EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
What are you addicted to? Food Network.
Want to move? Nope. "I love L.A.!"
Movie: Too hard to pick.
Song: Ditto.
Group: Marylin Manson.
Singer: Ditto.
Store: Rite Aid.
Relative: I don't think I have a favorite.
Sport: Basketball.
Vacation Spot: I've been to many places... I don't know if I could pick a favorite, though.
Ice Cream Flavor: I can't remember what it was called, but it was vanilla ice cream with caramel swirls and little pieces of chocolate that had caramel centers. So good. So good.
Fruit: Raspberries.
Candy: Reeses Pieces or Sno Caps.
Food: Damn, I dunno...
Car: Anything by Lamborghini.
Class: Study hall. Seriously... I had some interesting film classes.
Holiday: Christmas... for the snow (Fat chance in L.A.), the presents, and my mom's hot buttered rum. Screw you Jesus! Giant Space Dreidel could... Kick. Your. Ass.
Day of the Week: Thursday.
Color: Black. Okay, so it's technically the absence of color... Blue, then.
Magazine: G-Fan or Fangoria.
Name for a Girl: Notboy.
Name for a Boy: I forget what name I came up with, but it was equally as good as "Notboy."
Favorite spot for a date: Huh? Um, a movie theater, maybe followed by a restaurant...?
Favorite spot for an anniversary: Nicaragua, ca. 1981. Again, huh?
Favorite resturant: Alberto's, in my hometown. MMMMMMMM, good!
McDonalds: Sickening (I used to work there). If I go there, which is rare, I only get fries and milkshakes.
Burger King: Okay, but it's not as if I'm ever really in the mood for it. Why couldn't they include White Castle on this list? Fuck it, I'm adding it.
White Castle: Mmmmm, Crave Case! Late night high/drunk food extraordinaire.
In and Out: Delicious! A relatively new taste experience for me.
Wendy's: Is, was, and always will be my favorite. I love you, Dave Thomas. R.I.P.
Do you...
Like to give hugs? O' sweet indifference!
Like to give kisses? Yes, I find it quite pleasurable.
Like to walk in the rain? Fuck no.
Prefer black or blue pens? Ooh, good question... really makes ya think. I'ma hafta say black.
Dress up on Halloween? Sadly, no. I'd like to this year, as Ash. Not sure if I have the time or resources to build a mock chainsaw, though.
Have a job? No. Hire me. Please.
Like to travel? As long as I don't have to do any planning or exert effort of any kind, yes.
Like someone? I claim to be Canadian; therefore, I should like everyone. I am American; therefore, this heart is filled with hate most black.
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? When I first go to bed, I must be on my back to fall asleep. When I wake up in the night, I must turn on my side to go back to sleep. Don't ask me...
Think you're attractive? Nope. Well, besides my pretty, pretty face.
Want to get married? When pigs have ears! Ask me again when I'm 40.
Have a goldfish? Not since I was a kid.
Ever have the falling dream? Yes, and the accompanying body lurch wake-up.
Have stuffed animals? Assuming my parents haven't thrown them away...
Go on vacation? Not recently.
What do you think about...
Abortion: I don't care. Anonymous lives mean nothing to me.
Bill Clinton: While he was in office, I loathed the man. Compared to Bush, he seems like the greatest president ever.
Smoking: I miss it. :(
Suicide: I honestly considered it once, so in a way I can empathize... but I still think it's a stupid, weak, and selfish act. Should NOT be illegal, though.
Summer: Don't like it. Bugs, heat, unruly kids playing outdoors, blah! Lock me away in an air conditioned building and I can deal with it, though.
Tattoos: Stupid.
Piercing: I have one, and that's plenty. They look good on girls, though.
Make-up: On me: If I ever go to a goth club, I might wear some eye liner and nail polish. On women: Whatever. If you're really that ashamed of your face, go ahead and hide it. Goth make-up is A-OK, though.
This or that...
Pierced nose or tongue? For me: Neither. For women: Definitely tongue.
Single or taken? Single.
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? Ditto.
Sugar or salt? Salt has a slight edge here.
Silver or gold? Gold pressed latinum.
Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate.
Color or Black-and-white photos? Depends.
M&M's or Skittles? M&M's.
Stay up late or sleep in? Both.
Hot or cold? Cold.
Sun or moon? Moon.
Left or Right? Right.
10 Acquaintances or one best friend? I don't know.
Mustard or Ketchup? Ketchup, baby! And don't gimme none a that "catsup" buuuuuuullshit!
Spring or Fall? Fall.
Give or receive? What, oral pleasure? Give. Yes, I'm a guy. Yes, I have a penis. That's my answer, deal with it.
Wonder or amazement? Wonder, I think.
McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King.
Mexican or Italian food? Oh, that's tricky, but Italian wins the day.
Lights on or off? Off.
I'm not spell-checking this shit.