Aug 01, 2006 00:23
Well, I sat through another funeral today, and again, it was a Christian service. Jon was a good man, and it is good to glorify his life and teach others how to live through it. There is only one thing that bothers me with these services...and religion as a whole.
Man is weak, and mortal, but also creative. Because of man's emotions (and I'm using man as a species, so don't get offended ladies) it feels a need to justify, and glorify death. I've read about war, and heard enough stories from various relatives, to know that death is neither just nor magnificent; its just a fact of life.
So I am once again, sitting through speech after speech about how Jon lives on, in eternal glory, but somehow that still doesn't bring peace to me. Yet, I am emotionless, separated from all feeling as usual. The only half emotion aroused in me was disgust, that these people needed a tragedy like this to come together to learn a simple lesson.
The moral being pushed into these animals minds was to live life to the fullest. Take care of their bodies. Don't Smoke, don't drink irresponsibly, and live everyday like its your last. Not being that close to Jon, I really don't know how he lived his life, but I am very sure of myself when I say that 70% of the human population does not meet this standard. Yes I said STANDARD. Its how life should be, at least, that's what is taught at the heart of each religion. That life is a wonderful gift that should not be taken for granted.
So we drive out to the graveyard, and I already see someone who obviously didn't listen nor care about the sermon. He is an underage smoker. This irritated me so much that I wanted to walk right up to him and give him a piece of my mind, but then I thought to myself no, if he wants to die that's his choice and I let it go. It irritates me how people can be so ignorant.
In the end, I find myself here, pondering the day, how it came and left, like a birth and death. It makes me realize more so that Jon will never see another sunrise, or sunset. That he will never smell the fresh air again, and it is here that I am comforted. To know that I will not live forever, that the burdens and gifts of life will go away. In the end I guess I turned away from religion because hey, Who wants to live forever? It reminds me of a boy in a story, who had "died" but was doomed to live forever, as a "lifeless being." While he was released from this fate in the story,most religions make it out to be that everyone will live forever. I do plan on living forever, but only as a memory, not as a being of another existance. That is the path I choose to follow.