[MEME]: Permissions

Aug 23, 2009 14:28

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: If there is a proper opportunity that presents itself, sure. Mun would like to be notified ahead of time, but won't be immensely PO'ed if you don't or can't.
Backtagging with this character - yes/no/other?: Notification to the mun would be appreciated, again, but there should be no problem with this otherwise.
Hugging this character?: Paul is not a very huggy person. He will not accept it and likely get PO'ed at you if you are not Silver, Gold, or Reggie. And even if you are Silver, Gold, or Reggie, then he will likely be taken by surprise upon said hugging, depending on his mood. Only on very rare occasions will Paul actually initiate a hug.
Giving this character a kiss?: Paul is even less of a kissy person unless you're Silver or Gold. And even if you're Silver or Gold, he'll likely be taken aback by a sudden kiss. He never seems to see them coming. Still, under that clause, he won't kill you for it. He's been known to kiss Ash a couple of times, but only to psyche him out. Otherwise, kissing is awkward for Paul. It's advised against unless you're romantically linked with him.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): He'll reel from it at first, because Paul happens to be physically frail. It only takes one punch to make the guy bleed. On the other hand, Paul's not one to back down from a fight, so he'll quickly retaliate and drag the initiator into a brawl. But, again, Paul's condition makes him really suck at fighting, so the other character will defeat him in that department almost every time.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: The mun doesn't care what you say to Paul, but Paul will be especially offended with mentions of any Battle Frontier, especially his father (Pyramid King Brandon)... unless said character talks shit about Brandon, which is unlikely in most cases. But blind Brandon praise will easily aggravate Paul. Paul also hates being pitied for his poor health and will likely stop that person from pitying him... with force, if need be. Paul won't react well to anyone who suggests that Ash is anything other than a persistent annoyance to him (like a real rival, polar opposite, yin to his yang, etc.). Mentions of Conway will terrify him. Being told that he'll never succeed as a trainer with his methods will anger Paul immensely and he doesn't take criticism very well, either.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: Paul is inflicted with an unknown terminal disease that drastically weakens his body and leaves him which a dull but chronic pain. His weak immune system renders Paul vulnerable to almost any illness, but the stubborn Paul will refuse to admit he's sick until something drastic happens. The disease is genetic; Paul inherited the disease from his late mother, who already died due to her illness over seven years ago. Because of this, curing Paul even through a legendary Pokemon is not as simple as it seems. Unless he is cured, Paul's lifespan is drastically shortened and won't be expected to live beyond his thirties at most. Paul's condition not only leaves him vulnerable to other illnesses, but it makes him physically weak as well, meaning that in spite of his aggressive nature, he cannot fight very well on his own. Paul tends to ignore that and leaps into a fight whenever he gets the chance, meaning he is often severely injured due to underestimating his opponents.
Anything else, please mention here: Paul's canon is technically taking off from an indeterminate period of time after DP132 (A Full Battle! Shinji vs Satoshi!! Part 2), but he is also based off of my fanfic, Travels of the Trifecta!, which closely follows the anime. In accordance to the fanfic, he is taken from a point in the story that I have not gotten around to writing yet. Due to recent planning, I estimate Paul is taken from a point during or after Chapter 18 (currently unnamed). However, I am currently working on Chapter 10 (Mars Attacks!), so aspects of Paul's character may be modified when I finally get to Chapter 18. Also, he's hooked up with Silver and Gold. Thanks to them, his hormones have been kicked into gear and all three have rushed into things quite quickly. In my canon, Paul is 13 years old and his birthday is April 17th, making him an Aries.
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