Title: Not A Word
Fandom: Devil May Cry/Final Fantasy X-2
Characters: Dante, Vergil, Sparda, and Gippal :D
Prompt: 084. He
Words: 917
Summary: Dante and Gippal, the versions from the original run of Squenix Uni, have a 'friendly' game of Scrabble. Hilarity ensues as Sparda and Vergil arrive on the scene.
A/N: Nothing other than what's in the summary. This is very, very AU, obviously.
The clicking of the tiles being placed in a row was loud in the otherwise quiet room, and once they were all slid into place, the eye patch wearing, blond young man sat back with a wide grin, folding his arms behind his head. "You're losing, buddy boy."
"What the fuck." The other young man, red-clad and white haired, stared incredulously at the board a moment, before giving his opponent a sharp glare. "You dumbass, 'vilg' ain't a word." That earned a scoff from the blond, and a roll of his one good eye. "It ain't, jackass. Quit trying to pawn shit off so you can get more points. Cheater."
"It is too a word." Gippal snorted. "Besides, it's no worse than you trying to pawn off 'cocksucker'. I thought we agreed no profanity." And they had, too, from the get go. This time, they were going to play the game by the rules, no matter what. True, it was becoming harder as they got strange letters and even stranger combinations, but Dante had broken the truce first, so Gippal didn't have a bit of sympathy for him. At all.
"Cocksucker is a word. It's in the goddamn dictionary."
"Urbandictionary dot com doesn't count, Dent."
"Al Bhed don't count either, Gippaloser." Dante snorted, before shuffling around in the box on the other end of the table, finally digging out a small white booklet. He was going to prove it to that jackass if it was the last thing he did. A moment was spent flipping through and scanning before he jabbed at a spot on one of the pages and held it out. "Right fucking there. No foreign languages."
"It's not foreign if it's the one you learned first." Gippal spread his hands, as if to say, 'sorry, buddy'. "Just suck it up and admit I have a point."
"Do not make me come across this table and slap you." At Gippal's cough, which was covering up a snicker, he jabbed a finger at the Al Bhed, baring his fangs. "I'll do it. I will come across this table so fast-"
"I thought you two were told no more scrabble in the house."
Dante didn't even bother turning around, and pointed a finger behind him in the direction of the voice. "Not another word, old man. Don't you have squirrels to be committing genocide on or some shit?"
Gippal glanced up, at about the same time another white-haired individual came into view, just over the elder demon's shoulder, and his one eye hollowed dramatically. And that, of course, was why Gippal knew to be wary when visiting the Sparda house. Him.
"Well, if it isn't my little slave monkey."
Dante wasted no time there, either, as his finger shifted position, aimed at a spot right between his brother's eyes. "Don't you start your shit, either. You? Are still on my shitlist." Only then did he shift in his chair, folding his arms over the back to glare at both of them standing there in the kitchen doorway. "Ain't you two got better shit to do? Or is it National Fuck With Dante Day?"
"Don't be silly." Vergil shoved past Sparda, with absolutely no regard for the elder demon whatsoever, slapping Dante one good time on the forehead as he strode past. "Every day is National Fuck With Dante Day."
As Vergil came closer, Gippal moved back, scrapping his chair across the floor in his haste to stand. What was really bad, other than the fact that Vergil (while fair, Gippal would admit, grudgingly), he was creepy as...As Gippal didn't know what. He was just creepy. Like the Farplane, perhaps, only worse, with those freaky eyes. And he was taller than Gippal, too. Of course, Dante was Vergil's identical twin brother, which made them exactly the same, but he wasn't creepy.
"I, uh...Yeah. I think it's time for me to head back. Cid'll blow a gasket, if I don't at least grace him with my charming prescence at some point." Cop out, cop out, cop out, but Gippal didn't care. Normally he was pretty level-headed and fearless (possibly to a stupid degree), but Vergil just...Made him squirm.
Trust Dante to call him out on it, however. "Chickenshit." It was drawled, as he cast Gippal a sidelong glance over his shoulder. "Rikku over there?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Then you'll understand if I hide out over here instead of going over there."
Of course Gippal did. Peas in a pod Rikku and Dante were, in their constant states of movement, but Rikku had that deficiency in attention Dante did not. Sometimes. When he really tried. Oh, whatever, Gippal completely understood where Dante was coming from. If he'd had a choice, he'd hide from her, too, most of the time. "Not a bit." He began backing for the door, his gaze shifting nervously to Vergil for a moment. "Uh...Good to, uh...See you, or something."
"Poor little sand monkey." Vergil brought up one hand and waggled the fingers in goodbye, grinning just wide enough to give a glimpse of fang. "Don't be scarce, now. It would be a pity, with you right next door."