May 12, 2005 14:48
I just had the most AMAZING entry, and the damn computer deleted it! Oh well, I'll redo it, just cuz there's nothing better to do.
So tomorrow's walk-a-thon, which I'm not particularly looking forward to, but it's better than going to classes. But it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe we'll just stay here and do other shit. But I'm in better shape now than I was last year, so hopefully it won't suck too bad. And after that.......... PHANTOM PARTY!!!!! Granted, I'm a lil sad I'm missing picnic, but I'll definitely catch the next one. But for serious, what is better than a sing-a-long phantom party???? Answer: NOTHING! And then Saturday I'm not working, so I have AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL day to do my homework, which is nice since I have a shitload. But it'll all be worth it cuz Sunday is HAIRSPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't catch that, I'm gonna see HAIRSPRAY!!!!!!!! What? You missed it? Ok, one more time. I'm seeing HAIRSPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew, that felt GOOD! For some reason, I'm in a CAPS mood. I don't know why! Feeling kinda peppy! This is kinda cool!
OH! Side note! We got our YEARBOOKS today!!!!! Aww, it was exciting!!! But now starts the tortuous task of signing everyones. Is it just me, or is signing yearbooks kinda like having a final exam in your friendship with that person? I feel like I'm being graded on those damn things and I never know what the fuck to say! So if I don't do a good job on anyones, know that I luv ya and senior year I'll make up plans for everyone's yearbook so they won't suck. But for now, I'll have two more chances after this year, so I don't consider it THAT big a deal. But we got our YEARBOOKS!!!! That was so exciting!
Overall, today was just absolutely amazing. I stayed home sick yesterday and got to sleep till 11, so today I was rested, feeling at least 83% better, and everyone was just in a really good mood. I had my geometry homework done when mcbroom checked, go me, and we watched movies in chem (SCIENCE IS FUN) and history, (any movie starring whoopie is fun times) and we had subs in spanish and hebrew. So spanish we just looked at yearbooks and hebrew we went to the chapel and said the rosary. And I'm sorry, but that is the one aspect of catholicism that I truly adore. For some reason, I love saying the rosary. I used to hate it, it was sooo boring, but now I love it. It's such a peaceful time, and it seems like everything's okay when I'm saying the rosary. I've never just sat down and said it on my own, but maybe I should start. The repitition is just so calming and meditative. So that was good.
And now school's done for the week, so double woot! Umm......I think that's about it, other than the fact that I HATE "the glass menagerie". I think it's an atrocious play that should not be taught in schools for the simple fact that it is incredibely likely to cause teenage suicide from pure boredom. But that's just my thought.
So even though this week started off terribly, today just made the whole thing kick ass. I can't wait for tomorrow! This weekend is just gonna fly by though, so god I hope I make the most of it.
And that's it.