The Basics
Name: Laura, but I prefer Lazzi.
Age: 20.
Location: Finland.
Favourite Battle Royale character and why: I have to say both Takuma Aoi and Kitano Shiori from BR 2. Taku's aggressive and Kitano's cold, but they still have good hearts.
Least favourite Battle Royale character and why: Pretty hard to say, as I've seen BR only once, and BR 2 numerous times. I guess I didn't pay enough attention to characters to start hating some of them.
Are you...
Outgoing or shy?: People not knowing me say I'm shy because I don't talk much. I don't think I am, I just don't want to be everyone's friend.
Quiet or loud?: I'm quiet unless I'm pissed off or drunk.
Leader or follower?: I'd love to be leader more often. I hate when I'm being told what to do.
Bitchy or friendly?: I tend to be friendly, but I'm not afraid of being bitchy either.
Impulsive or rational?: Impulsive, but not regretful.
Easily angered or calm?: I play as cold as possible, so no one could see how much I'd love strangle someone.
Clever or not?: I'd love to see someone who's clever at everything.
In a group or alone?: Alone. I don't need other people to entertain myself.
Optimistic and cheerful, or pessimistic and glum?: I have all these sides in me.
What are your best qualities?: I'm being myself, and I suppose that's why I have some loyal friends. I'm also hard-working.
What are your worst qualities?: I'll get stressed and chaotic easily when I face problems and hyperactive when I'm bored. I'm stubborn and always right - no one should disagree with me. I'm mean and I'll debate only to win, ignoring how much it might hurt the other participant.
What's your greatest fear?Quadriplegia. I couldn't do anything myself.
In your group of friends, where do you stand? (i.e funny guy, motherly character, leader, etc. If I'm with girls, I'm usually silent and get bored easily. Then I might notice some group of guys, go there and be the leader of the conversation. I guess it proves I should be a guy, after all. XD
In depth
In real life, how would you like to die?: Fast. I guess a gunshot would do it. Or when I'm sleeping.
Would you 'play'?: If I'd know beforehand, no.
What weapon would you like to be assigned?: Big gun, of course.
If you were to find yourself in a Battle Royale situation, what three items would you like to have with you? (excluding weapons here!): Hard to say. Who knows how soon I might die - where would I need those items then?
What do you think your strategy would be? (find friends, hide, kill everyone, etc): I'd hate to kill my friends, but in order to protect myself from death, I would kill as many as I can. Too bad they're taking this far too seriously.
If you found someone that was injured, and they were alone, would you help them? Would you 'put them out of their misery'?: I would help them. If they are trying to kill me for that, well... we'll see what happens then.
Please post at least three decent-sized images of yourself.