One for all...

Mar 07, 2010 22:03

 It really is with a heavy heart that I write this, but I'm pulling out of lj idol.

This week I was in the run-off for the last elimination place and although (I have since been informed) my pulling out wont save anyone else, the fact that I was in the run-off at all showed me that I wasn't giving lj idol the attention that I would like anymore. For reasons a bit long to go into here, I'm really struggling to put in the time to the contest; I was having to rush my entries and wasn't able to really push myself to write better and on top of that I've barely had time to read or comment on other people's entries.

I may have been able to pull through this week and, who knows, perhaps I could have pushed myself further up the polls in the upcoming weeks but it was getting to the point where doing lj idol was adding a really big stress to my life and though I've loved it, I wasn't giving it my all and I felt like I was taking the place of someone who was really committed to it and so would deserve it more than me.

To everyone who has read and/or commented on my entries and to everyone who has supported me and voted for me, thank you so much. One thing that made this decision so hard was that I felt like, in supporting me, you were somehow placing your faith in me and I feel like I am  betraying that faith now. I just wanted to let you all know that I really appreciated your help and support and I that I do not take this decision lightly.

I really have loved participating in LJ Idol; it's given me distraction when I was feeling low, it's helped me improve my writing, it's given me new friends and you, all you lovely people, have given me a confidence in my creative self that I wouldn't have found any other way, for which I am so, so grateful.

I'm very sad to say goodbye but I'll be playing the home game and I will still be about in the Green Room and voting on people's entries so this isn't goodbye so much as auf weidersen, peeps.


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