So I guess Shishou Professor Senju is gone. She said she'd send written instructions, though, so I won't really be without a teacher, at least. And she left Delita her trunk of healing spells! He said that I could look through it when I wanted so...well, if you don't see me around for a few days, you know where I am.
She did teach me something before she left, though. I'm really sorry to anyone who was nearby that day, it took me a little while to get a hang of it! Tsu Shi Professor Senju taught me a spell to reverse whatever damage I caused, though, so you don't need to be worried about me leaving the grounds a mess.
If you're interested in knowing what the spell is...well, let's just say that this is what the area I was practising on looked like when I was done.
I still haven't had a lot of practice, so it didn't effect as wide an area as it could have. I'm working on it though!
I have a seal on my forehead now, though, to contain the energy for the spell. I'm still getting used to it, it's a little bit like having a tattoo. Oh god I hope my mother doesn't think I got a tattoo. Anyway, this is what it looks like!
{Private to Catty}
Catty...are you free any time soon? I need to talk to you.